• Up Up & Away

    Hi guys. Good afternoon. If you can't tell by my tone I am very happy this early evening. I had the ride of my life last night. So lets go.
    I decided that I was going to sleep with my Helix in. I have been saying that for a few days but backed out. So I said today's the day. I cleaned out, stuck him in and began my peaceful ride. So side note a aneros brother of mine name @brine recored one of his sessions. It sounded so hot and he explained everything so clear when he could cause of the orgasms. I decided hey I can do that too. But with living with my parents and knowing how loud I get i knew I had to be careful.
    So I press record on my ipod and began my ride. With in the first couple of minutes I began to feel him move. No penis stimulation but the tingling was feeling so good. It felt like i was getting tickled on my toes which began to make me giggle. As it travels up I knew it was building up. Up the roller coaster I go. My back began to arch higher then ever and my breathes became very shallow.
    Even with my fan on the temp. in the room got to at least 100 degree's.I'm sweating and trying to hold back my moans but it's feeling so damn good. I had to put a pillow over my mouth. I finally reach the top after like 5 minutes and I'm stuck there for another 5 minutes. It was so intense I began to cry and shake and just whimper in the pure xstacy that I was having. I finally came back down to a huge cool breeze of air and the breathing came back to normal and the orgasm was over.
    I looked at the clock and it was still recording. as I'm trying to explain what just happen I feel that I'm building up again. Now my dick is rising and i'm spilling pre cum all over my leg. It's just oozing out. My back is arching higher, and higher, like i'm about to float to space. My breathes are becoming non existing. I'm trying to calm them down but I feel so good right now. I don't want this feeling to end. I reach the top. OMG OOMG YEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS My dick is now now shooting pre cum on my stomach amd chest. Which has never happen before. I'm trying to hold back my moans buts its so hard and I'm so hard. I can;t contain my self. This orgasm is so strong. Yes baby. Take me…….Take me………FUCK ME……………….DEEEEPPPPEEEEERRRRR I held that orgasm for at least 8 minutes. Now i have has some strong orgasms and super O's but WOW. this one blew me away.
    I was shaking, and moaning, and flipping all over my bed. I lost control and I loved it. I turned my recorder off and went to bed after that. Had more orgasms during the morning til I woke up to a wet spot of soaked up cum in my sheets. I had a great night and morning. If you guys wantt that recording just hit me up with your emails and I will send it to you.

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