Again in my journey I had to arise and blog. Things ended a little different this time and the buzz is so gentle its special. I began with cleansing out my anus and inserting a large portion of coconut oil. I wanted Maximus to be fluid and the fluid nature of things to last a long time. Coconut Oil does this and has an added benefit of feeling so smooth inside. Well we settled in together and soon max took over. As...

Last night in a chat with Brine he asked me to do an entry describing my second liaison with a guy. Brine and a few others have asked about my twice venture into male – male sexual intimacy in the last two years. It is difficult to describe the experience without putting it into context. In a recent chat Brine and few of us were explaining MMO / Super O to a newbie. Brine commented...

I am in my 8th year of Super O – MMO practice. The progression of my experience with super o has been like walking through a carefully contorted maze. Each turn brings me to another unknown place; that place opens to endless other places to reveal kaleidoscopic orgasmic pleasures that flow in torrents. It has been a never ending journey of discovery. Through it all, the most delightful discovery was the realization of my ability to...

this is a partial recording almost in real time of what happened to me this morning at 3am when i awoke from 2-3 hours of sleep with my PG in. I know that half of it is unintelligible, but i'm leaving it as is, including the caps locks, because i was typing while this event was still going on. Woke from 3 hours of sleep with Pgice in . had fallen asleep after having a few p waves with...

I was advised that I would feel my Super-O for a few days and I have. This morning on the way to work my Perineum or "sweet spot" had a deep down tingle causing me to shift in my vanpool seat while I secretly grinned. An occasional involuntary contraction was added every once in awhile. I'd been pretty good about refraining from frequent riding but I wasn't too strict about it. So tonight I decided to treat myself. I dusted...

So last night I had an Aneros session. I started with the Progasm which felt great, then used my Feeldoe More for a while, then back to the Progasm. It was this last time with the Progasm that I eventually had a single mini-O. Stronger than the ones I had almost a month ago. It was very odd in the sense it was a pleasant surprise, and I just have not figured out any particular reason as to why they...

After a pleasurable session with Progasm yet nothing out of the ordinary, I switched to Peridise and logged onto Chat. I noticed an often seen tag and proceeded to private chat. Simple polite conversation and questions rallied back and forth. We chatted as I rode and the Peridise picked up on the stimulating conversations. He began to tickle, and caress, and vibrate as our conversation heated up. I began to describe the sensations and my new companion offered suggestions and direction...

Hi guys, In September or October 2011, I heard about the Aneros from Matt1008 on a masturbation website. At that I was suffering from erectile dysfunction. I couldn't get it up. It was a condition that I attributed to a very stressful job that I had worked 2009-2010. I had heard about the Kegel Exercises and how they could strengthen a guy's erection. But Matt told me the Aneros along with the Kegel Exercises would revitalize not only flagging erections, but...

I asked for suggested combinations for rides and Drummel you found a ride that is most memorable, thanks. Drummel suggested the following order with the addition of my fetish penis plug. MGX, Progasm, Eupro, my plug, then Muse. I started this truly memorable ride cleaning out and using EVOO as lubrication, I wanted an extra fluid movement with the first two. MGX upon the stimulation of my nipples began to vibrate within my anal canal as my nipples grew. The vibrations...

I've always been number and spreadsheet oriented I can't help it my dad was this way too. So, to keep track and rate individual models and combinations I just completed a handy tracking guide. It lists the Aneros models I own plus my Penis Plugs. I track the day of the session, which toy or toys I used by each session, and I track how many times each toy has been used to date. I also note the sensation(s) experienced with...

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