Hi guys, Upon awakening this morning around 7 a.m., I was horny and hungry for a session. For many months, I have had Aless of varying intensities and sweet sensations. This morning I had an Aless in which my prostate and surrounding musculature felt that there was an Aneros tool inserted. But no! So I concentrated upon all this while still in bed. Some minutes later I hoped on the Net and logged into Aneros Forum and found @neros's post on how...

I decided to have a quick )or so I thought( session as soon as I got home from work. My Helix Syn was due to come the next day, so I figured I would get a short session )maybe and hour( with the Vice before I shifted to the Helix. After warming up, I immediately turned the vibrator on to Medium-Steady. Rewarded within a few minutes with some small tingles & a few small orgasms. Switched to High-Steady....

My Progasm should arrive tomorrow. I have read and viewed many of the instructions, chats and some videos of what to do and when to expect results. I am very optomistic about this adventure! We shall see!!...

Hi guys, This morning I used my favorite Aneros models in the following order: Eupho Classic, Helix Classic, Progasm Classic, Tempo, Maximus. Both Eupho Classic and Helix Classic performed admirably. They set the stage for Progasm Classic which I never used so soon in a session. It is interesting that my anal canal craves Eupho Classic first at bat. Eupho Classic primes me for Helix Classic. But wow, today when I inserted Progasm Classic, my hungry ass wanted this big bruiser too! My...

)Starting with this blog entry, I go into much more detail on each session. This session, along with the next 3, were originally transcribed to paper immediately after the session ended.( Started for the 1st hour w/o the vibrator on, doing the usual warm-up contractions and breathing exercises. From there I tried contractions of various strengths. For the first time without the vibrator on, I felt a few small orgasms. I continue to make progress here. At around...

Have used the Helix Syn 3 times for a total time of 5 hours approximately doing the breathing exercises and not feeling any form of pleasure really except when I stimulate myself. I don't know if the unit is touching my prostate or not. It seems that when I masterbate that the amount of cum I make is more than the usual. I do use lubricant and perform the slow deep breathing exercises as well as keep...

Your ability to withstand delayed gratification correlates well with success, it's also been seminal in our evolution and the development of the frontal cortex. There are some people on this forum with addiction problems, be it PMO or marijuana. Both cases the outcome is inevitable a decline in sensitivity. So despite the logic being the less you do the better it is, you do more because of the instant gratification, and roll back the millions of years in evolution. Anyway point being...

The overwhelming winter weather we have had during February has necessitated a concentrated amount of snow shoveling in a relative short time span. The net result has been a “tender” lower back. Thankfully I am not immobilized but I have been dealing with the persistent ache of muscle strain in my lower back. For me, pain of any sort is most definitely a damper on my orgasmic agenda. Despite how horny I may be discomfort is...

Hi guys, Aless as a continuous, powerful experience really came into its own when I began using Tempo in my sessions in late November 2013. When I began using Tempo then, I took to it like a duck to water. It seemed that my Aneros sessions took a quantum leap. It was then that just about every session became full of pleasure and fun! And as a spin off to all this was powerful, continuous Aless outside of my sessions. When I...

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