• Aless foreplay, a hot Aneros session, Aless postplay

    Hi guys,
    Upon awakening this morning around 7 a.m., I was horny and hungry for a session. For many months, I have had Aless of varying intensities and sweet sensations. This morning I had an Aless in which my prostate and surrounding musculature felt that there was an Aneros tool inserted. But no! So I concentrated upon all this while still in bed.
    Some minutes later I hoped on the Net and logged into Aneros Forum and found @neros's post on how to capitalize upon Aless as a way to reach Super-O's and MMO's as well as in sessions.
    @neros gave the following three steps of harnessing Aless energy for greater use: [1] First use an erotic impression or fantasy to awaken Aless for service. [2] Then focus on the Aless sensations and energy as localized in your awakened prostate, anal musculature, anus, perineum, scrotum, and even in your penis. [3] Let the sexual energy permeate not only your groin, but also your abdomen, chest, and other areas of your body. Focus and meditate upon all these delicious sexual sensations. Once you have done those three steps, you are well on your way in your Aless toward experiencing Super-O's and MMO's.
    I used this use of Aless to serve as foreplay for my session this morning.
    I used in order Helix Classic, Progasm Classic, Tempo and Maximus. It seemed that my session was on a much higher level than ever before. All four models ride so intensely like never before.
    After my session this morning, I cleaned up, dressed, and got ready for today's activities. But first I had to take a nap around noontime because today's session had worn me out. Aless has been rejuvenated by today's session. Now what I need to do is focus on my Aless. Take care!
    P.S. One of the most wonderful things that I am finding out about Aless is its limitless possibilities in discovering the various nuances and subtleties of sexual sensation which the various Aneros models engender. Sexual arousal through Aless is taken to new heights unimaginable to an aging confirmed bachelor as me. The delicious sexual energies of Aless keep building and building and climb higher and higher to the point that I might experience an orgasm or even a Super-O! What I should is let go! Let it happen! Also it is possible to experience the crescendos and diminuendos of sexual energy and pleasure in Aless and my Aneros sessions!

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