After reading about Aneros and the idea of reaching a Super-O, I purchased both a Maximus and Progasm Ice. Both of them arrived yesterday, and I could not wait to try them both out this morning. The Maximus seemed less intimidating, so after lubing it up with KY, I laid on my side and very nervously touched my hole with the head of the Maximus. Slowly it slid in and as it went in, almost immediately pre-cum...

Things work well for me on Sundays. Other days, not so much. During sessions on post-work weekday evenings, after an initial jolt and a fast spazzy run-up to a pale, weak, anemic orgasm, I didn't get much going. Any waves that came around felt like two or three dissonant notes that warbled around but never quite synced into one pure tone. When I got that far, I either couldn't relax well, or I relaxed too well and fell...

I had thought about getting one of these devices for years after reading about them and eventually took the plunge. My first session was disappointing, I expected too much too fast, the second was similar and I put it aside for a week having achieved nothing more than a slightly interesting feeling. My breakthrough came when I went to stay in a hotel overnight and took it with me. I thought I had plenty of time, nothing else to do, and...

Def: “Frottage is a physical act that takes place between two people of either the opposite or the same sex involving the contact of genitals against genitals. The genitals of the two participants are interlocked as they rub against each other with the intent of arousing sexual desire. The genital stimulation produces increasingly pleasurable sensations; if it is done for significant enough time and the partners are sufficiently aroused, orgasm will result.” J and I began our...

More than 2 years I bought my Helix Syn. It took me some 6 months to get on track. My mistake in the beginning was too many expectations, looking actually for ejac and thus involving too often my cock. Thnx to chatting here online and reading the forum I got slowly on the right track. And where I am now after my best orgasm ever )Friday 15 may 2015( I am so happy I did not give up. What did I do to...

Well, it finally happened. Session before last I had my first Super-O. I know I've speculated that I might have reached that before, but there has always been some doubt in my mind. This time, there is no doubt at all. It felt exactly like I've read on the forums and wiki. And it is as wonderful as I could have imagined. I actually ended up having three Super-Os that session, and two more...

Monday May 4 and Tuesday May 5 closely followed the pattern of Sunday's session: a series of rapid-onset small orgasms, an abrupt calmness that introduced a slow buildup to not-quite-orgasm, and a gradual decompression to the end. The only notable change was that the good tingles got cooking within only a couple minutes of starting. I believed I was getting the hang of this thing. Tuesday through Saturday cured me of that notion. I just couldn't get anything...

Hi guys, Most young males when they discover masturbation or are shown it by a buddy encounter one of the most thrilling experiences of their lives. The very first orgasm with ejaculation of semen is a profound experience which happens to most guys in their adolescence, although quite few young males experience dry orgasms even earlier! Masturbation is autoeroticism at its best because masturbation gets a male in touch with his genitals and his body in a most profound way. However, most...

On May 3, I set to try the “do nothing” method. I lay on my back with knees up, and waited for whatever sensations might visit. Doing nothing wasn't strenuous, but the minimal effort still got to me. My legs fatigued, so I stretched out and lay flat. An odd, tiny tickle occurred somewhere in my abdomen. I didn't think anything of it, but it was intruding on my focus. Just to make it go away, I rotated...

Wore the Helix for like 3 hours last evening while doing yard work. Had to stifle desires to moan out loud while walking around the yard! This morning when I woke up in bed, I figured I'd get a little prostate massage time in before I got up. I'd been massaging my testicles every couple days for over a year to bump up my testosterone )diagnosed with a very low normal level(, but it's NEVER felt so good as...

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