I was born and raised in New York City. At 9 years old I learned how to use the city bus system; at 10 I learned how to ride the subway and figure out where it took me. From that point on the greatest city in the world was my oyster. Almost every week from 10 until I was 18, I used the magic carpet of the subway to take me to some new neighborhood, street or destination in the...

I should probably mention again that my blog only really receives entries on new developments. Given that I'm somewhat at the end-point of my journey, it's less and less apparent that new sensations and heights come up. But hey! Great sessions nonetheless. Otherwise there has been a new direction I've taken on my approach to orgasms, these past few weeks; focusing on fantasising. Just admitting this brings a tinge of dirty and reclusive guilt. Still, I think all men use fantasy...

Things got worse. Its been several days now since I have been able to 'cross over' into an orgasm. I can still bring on good feelings but I'm getting less and less inclined to even try now because it's so disappointing and I expect failure. Today I have only tried a couple of times. I have posted on the forum and had some reassuring comments but it's my problem and no-one can really help. I have been very low about this. The...

I had sex with my wife for the first time in months last night. My erection was instant and harder than I remember it ever being even when I was a teenager, and when I came it was stronger than previously, she even commented on how strong it felt. I haven't managed to have a prostate orgasm for a few days now. I have sort of lost interest a little bit in a good way )have to get on with normal...

Friday night after an early dinner J went to my daughter’s house about an hour away to go to a late movie near her house and stay overnight. It’s been nice that the two of them have become movie buddies; they go to chic flicks on a regular basis. I am happy that my daughter is able to spare me from going to movies that I would rather not see. It was a 9:20 PM showing so J decided...

I feel as if I am finally starting to integrate my new found ability with normal life. Today is the first day that I haven't been constantly thinking about my next super-O and worrying whether it is going to happen. After a long week and long hours at work I am as usual very tired. I really think that I will just sleep tonight so it will be first day without a super-O. Maybe not a bad thing I feel a...

I started a session just before going to bed. This never works out for me. I drift off to sleep before anything gets started. It worked out this time, though. Fuck me running, did it work out. I felt a slow pulsing at my anus that maintained a persistent stimulation, and a much slower internal stroking that triggered a wave every forty seconds, I estimate, that amplified the stimulation. The two different internal contractions kept their slow, relentless...

I had promised myself that I was taking a rest for a day yesterday, but I'm not very strong willed and thought that I would just have a quick try last night, A-less as usual. I'm very glad that I did. it wasn't the fastest onset ever but considering how tired I was and how upset I had got over this whole thing yesterday, I was amazed tat anything happened at all. The super-O built up nicely and I had a...

It's been a real emotional rollercoaster in the last week since my breakthrough. Exhilarated one minute after after a mind blowing super-O, totally despondent when it just wasn't working. I don't think I have experienced such a range of emotions since my first serious relationship in my early 20's. I have developed laryngitis today and feel mentally and physically drained and need to get an early night. It must be related, my body is telling me something. For the first time...

I have been doing a lot of thinking having had no breakthrough yesterday. I tried plenty of times to orgasm but nothing happened, I even slept with the aneros in and felt good. There was one orgasm type event that was nice, but totally pleasure free )I have had one of those before(, and I just couldn’t relax into it. Two days ago I was going into orgasm within minutes of trying. I didn’t sleep again last night due to...

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