Well, yesterday I made some real progress. I have learnt that I need to relax more and stop chasing an orgasm. I managed to get to some heights of pleasure using this mindset. In the morning I relaxed so much I fell asleep and was woken immediately with a big headrush of excitement much like the Kundalini rushes I got when I was having my Kundalini Syndrome, and I felt high all day, that was a really encouraging development, and very...

Hi guys, I think this morning I had one of the best Aneros sessions ever, and I may have experienced my first Super-O! I rose about 5 a.m., intending to spend the day with some of my translation projects. First I took a walk outdoors in my immediate neighborhood, getting some groceries from the 7-Eleven a block away. Then I hopped on the Internet reading the news and surveying the weather forecast. Of course here in the USA, today is the Fourth...

My second session found me pretty excited about trying out both the Maximus and the Ice. Just like the first session, I started out slowly by lying in bed on my left side with my black boxer briefs pulled half-way down to give me just enough room to slowly insert the lubed up Maximus. With my knees pulled towards me, I slowly inserted it in, then laid on my back to begin with anal contractions. It had...

An update on where I am. I seem to be having a very different journey to others. It hasn't been easy. Emotions all over the place and it has ended up being largely a spiritual journey. When I first started I expected that by now I would be reaching the heights of pleasure I read about on the forum but that is far from where I am at. I haven't been able to reach an orgasm for quite some time now and...

When my wife went to visit family, I finally had an opportunity to dedicate some time without limitations. Because of my recent non-events, I acquired a Helix Classic and a VICE in the hopes I could finally achieve a p-orgasm. I have concluded that the neuropathy that I have in my feet from my chemo twenty years ago also affects my anal area. Because no matter what device I used, no matter how I relaxed, no matter how frequent or...

One of the most mysterious and exciting things about this Aneros journey is its subtlety and the connection of mind and body in experiencing sexual pleasure. When I started this journey of sexual discovery almost 20 years ago I knew that it was as much a mental experience as it was a physical one. Even though Aneros practice is rooted in the use of a physical device, the power of the mind to facilitate extreme pleasure through that...

As you can read from the previous posts my sexuality is a complex thing. Like the seasons it transforms itself within the measure of a year, each season bringing its unique conditions, qualities and sensibilities. The torrid heat of desire for a woman and the vulgar intimacy of being with a man each bring their own memorable pleasure that resonates in the moment but lingers as an echoing memory; both harden my cock and make it ache...

Was sleeping last night )A-less( and all of a sudden wham with anal spasms and all. Woke me right awake, heart pounding, wondering if I physically spasmed or moaned and very curious if I woke y wife...

Your anus is contracting and sucking on my finger as the precum drools from your lurching cock; it is semi erect and I hanging helplessly between your thighs as the mmo tugs mercilessly on it. At the same time excruciating pleasure is flooding your anus as it sucks as much in as it can. Your face is buried in the bed as ecstasy tortures you with unbridled glee. You thrust your convulsing anus out at me as...

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