• Cock Craving Continued

    Your anus is contracting and sucking on my finger as the precum drools from your lurching cock; it is semi erect and I hanging helplessly between your thighs as the mmo tugs mercilessly on it. At the same time excruciating pleasure is flooding your anus as it sucks as much in as it can. Your face is buried in the bed as ecstasy tortures you with unbridled glee. You thrust your convulsing anus out at me as if offering it to me will make the exquisite anguish of deep anal orgasm either increase or go away; you cannot make up your mind which you want.
    After 20 minutes of the most agonizing rapture that a man could ever be expected to endure I remove my finger from your gaping hole. I marvel at how red and swollen it is. However I don’t waste much time admiring the view and instead lay down next to you on the bed so my face is adjacent to your knees and my own pelvis is next to your head. Then carefully urging you back to reality I guide your knee over my head and you lift your arm to allow my pelvis to slide under your face. I am on my back with my face underneath your suspended cock and your face is between my thighs just inches from my own lust engorged penis.
    Unbidden you lower your lips to my semi erect penis and kiss the underside of my cockhead. The touch of your warm lips on the precum wetted cleft makes my shaft do a spastic dance. In seconds my cock is hardening and lengthening as it erects like a stretching cat that has just awoken. You notice and grasp the base of my member and direct it to stand straight up to facilitate your next move. I then feel your warm breath on my balls as your mouth draws nearer to my shaft; then the heat surrounds my cockhead like a hot wet cover as your mouth engulfs the crown of my manhood. Suddenly you have rendered me immobile. I am frozen underneath you as I absorb the sensation of your hot wet mouth suckling on my penis.
    It was as if I was under the influence of an exotic drug that stirred me to climb to the peak of sensual frenzy while it subdued me and held me still to allow waves of erotic bliss to wash over me. You suckled on my cock as if it was a rare font of sweet nectar that fueled your own arousal. I could feel the familiar telltale buzz deep in my cock root and my slit that told me that I was oozing precum into your mouth. Your tongue was busy at work gathering the clear sweet nectar from my vibrating slit as fast as I could make it.
    Driven to erotic distraction I sought out some way to participate in the chorus of ecstasy that was playing in my head. Opening my eyes there it was before me … your tumescent erection, dripping with the crystalline clear evidence of your arousal. Like a fish rising to seize a dry fly I clamped my mouth onto your mushroom shaped cockhead, locking my lips just behind it . Sucking on it with my lips wrapped tightly round it my tongue caressed the swollen head. It lurched in response to the stroking attention.
    The circuit was now closed. Cock to mouth and cock to mouth in a cyclotron of erotic electricity. As we suckled on each other the pleasure waves built up and up increasing in strength and duration. We did not move our mouths or attempt to make each other cum …. Instead we just drew on the fleshy pipes that were rewarding each of us with a flow of precum with each deep twitch. The prostate orgasms were flaring in both of us. Compressing each other’s cocks between our tongues and our hard pallets provided just the right inducement to induce deep multiple dry orgasms. Soon both of our anuses were flexing and contracting as waves of excruciating euphoria flowed into our anal tracts.
    I struggled to remember to breathe as each cresting wave made my mouth tighten and compress your cock in my mouth. Chilling convulsive orgasms gripped my own cock and anus and made my back arch and stiffen as my cock lurched and oozed my sweet precum into your mouth.
    We lay there writing in a yin and yang of pleasure, feeding off each others passion and partaking of the hot sweet reward of fresh precum straight from the tap.
    I knew that sooner or later the need to ejaculate would overwhelm me. I didn’t want to come down from the state of desperate arousal that gripped my pelvis, tormenting my anus and making my cock heavy in arousal. So I gently pushed you over to lay next to me.
    We were both breathing hard cocks throbbing and glistening with saliva. The cool breeze was blowing in the open window as the sun was setting over the hills on the horizon. We said very little laying there in the quiet. We hadn’t arranged this meeting to engage in philosophical discussions or establish an emotional connection; we committed to meet to have sex with each and that was it. Laying on my back as the mmo twitching in my anal canal waned; I was suddenly aware of the sensation gathering in my pelvis; it was the expected need to ejaculate. All the mmo and foreplay that I had been enjoying keened my libido to razor thin acuity. My semi erect penis was beginning to lengthen and harden with the sweet ache of extreme erection . As my cock lengthened and stretched it assumed the gentle curve that I love to show off, so I did. I stood up and planted my feet next to the bed and grasped my hard cock in my fist. I put one hand behind my head, closed my eyes and bent my knees slightly. I then began to stroke my cock as I humped the air in a shameless show of my extreme arousal. My cock was so hard I thought my skin would split; it jutted from my body like a 2×4 suspended from the bed of a pick up truck. The more I showed off the more aroused I became; I was almost insane with lust.
    I didn’t wait to ask, I just took charge. I knew that once we touched there would be no resistance. So raising myself up I kneeled next to your nude body. With surprising aplomb I hoisted my leg over your hip, and set it down on the other side of you. I was now straddling your pelvis with my glistening stone hard cock suspended inches over yours. My balls hung down with only a hairs dimension between my hanging sack and your languid pouch.
    With patience that surprised even me, I lowered my crotch to yours. The first thing to touch was indeed our balls. Yours were so hot it shocked me; I could feel their heat penetrating my own balls. The skin of your sack felt so erotic against me.
    Then sitting on your thighs I leaned forward and brought our cocks together, mine on top of yours. The heat of your cock on mine inflamed me. Pre cum oozed from my slit with renewed vigor. It dripped onto your cock head. My cock was an inch or so bigger than your as such it covered yours entirely. None the less my precum and yours mixed together to make an outstandingly slippery coating for our shafts.
    I rubbed our cockheads together repeatly until our combined precum made a frothy white glaze on the sexy image of two cocks engrossed in pleasure. I held my shaft and canted my body so that our two cockheads were pressed together. Leaning forward a little more the angle of our juncture changed allowing our two pink inflamed slits to touch, engaging in a wet kiss. The precum was now running from my slit in a steady stream making both our coronas wet and slippery and just right to frot. So I leaned on one arm and wrapped my hand around both of our shafts jamming our cockheads against each other in a forced embrace. Then with the vulgar grace of an exotic dancer I began to thrust my pelvis back and forth as our cocks rubbed against each other.
    You moaned as the simultaneous sexual pleasure and realization of the intimate act we were engaged in settled over you. I relentlessly drew my cock back and forth on yours. My erection was so long and rigid I had images of a bow being drawn across a viola. Indeed the long arched bow of my cock was rubbing on the instrument of your cock making your mind vibrate in paroxysms of sexual anguish. The music my lust erected penis elicited from you as I drew it back and forth on your cock was ethereal.
    The sexual steam was building in me. I desperately needed to cum, so I did. I willfully allowed myself to let go, relinquishing my semen to the urgency of my release. My stone hard cock went numb as I felt the jolting electrical message to release travel up the shaft of my organ and borrow deeply into my anus. When it reached my prostate it began to convulse but not in mmo. Instead it collected my semen and mixed it with a cocktail of sexual fluids and sent it down my shaft in a flood of ecstatic sensation.
    I could feel the delicate agony of the wad of semen moving down my shaft in the rush to ejaculate. Then as my anus began to contract in orchestrated convulsions that matched the spasms deeper in my anal canal, the steamy flood of my cum was at the opening of my cock. As I looked down at my cockhead resting swollen and turgid on top of yours I felt the deep euphoria of orgasm caress my prostate as I gazed in fascination at our joined cock slits.
    Then as I watched in muted fascination the torrent flowed from my slit. The pearlescent stream of cum flowed from me in a strong steady rope. It spilled onto your cock head inundating it with my white glaze. I arched my back as the anguish of release tormented my anus. Then came another convulsive wave of pleasure and yet another flooding your cock with a thick coating of my creamy sex honey. The torrent was powerful and seemingly relentless.
    When it was over your cock was covered from balls to cockhead with my orgasmic slime. Your eyes were wide open from witnessing the cum tsunami and your ejaculate glazed cock was stone hard from the hot onslaught that coated it.
    With the last drop of my cum oozing from my slit, I released my cock and focused my grip on your cum coated member. Then using my cum as lube I began to masturbate you using all the tricks and techniques I knew. You groaned and arched your back as you gave in to the limbic signals that your brain was generating. It was sensing the pleasure that was tormenting you and made you hump my hand with abandon.
    When your crescendo came it came with the deep pounding of drums and the shrill whine of a trumpet. As you blew your load, your cock in my firm grip you pissed a long hot rope of cum high in the air. You roared in acknowledgement of the exquisite agony that was wracking your cock and anus.
    To be continued ………………………….

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