Hi guys, From July 11 until this evening Saturday August 1, I was forced do without Aneros. I had a financial emergency come up which caused me to suspend my Aneros sessions. Yet, the Aless continued unabated during the interim, and wow, I wanted to have a session real bad. Fortunately the crisis cleared up and later on tonight, I am having a session to celebrate. I have washed for my session my usual Aneros buddies. They are in order tonight: Helix...

It's been quite some time since I entered anything into my blog. I've been on my aneros journey for over 6 years now; and, I've recently retired - some 4 weeks ago. I haven't found a new rhythm in my daily schedule yet. A couple of health issues have arisen in the past 3 weeks, with eye surgery scheduled for next week. I find myself with time on my hands and wanting more than ever to...

A number of years ago I took a Myers Briggs personality test. The other day as I was cleaning out old files and papers in my desk, I came across a folder with my resumes, it contained the results of that test. It was a very interesting read; I had not read it in a long time. Beyond the fascinating insights it gave me in its explanation of decisions that I have made in my career after I took it,...

had my first non-erect orgasm with cum today. Had some time, heavy thrusting and working it up. Pretty certain the cum came from stimulation caused by my cock bouncing against my inner thigh )was on side, both knees up at right angle(. But think its important since the cock stay soft. Wasn't actually certain it was all cum- was more runny and clearer than normal but thicker than precum. Happy hunting!...

tried weed last night- two good puffs. Has been years and it was strong. Jumped in a hot bath, watched some porn, then out for my session with Kelly Howell's ecstasy on. Definitely immediate and powerful session. Lots of involuntariness, i thunk a mini-o or two. And and overwhelming sense of how deep and good it could feel. The weed allowed a free-floating clutter-less mind interestingly and a deeper sense of relaxation. But typical of weed, questioning...

Had my first bona–fide Super–O last night! Felt warm floating feeling wash over my body and then started shaking all over and had orgasmic release. Previously, I'd done a session with as much non–aneros prostate stim as I could muster the evening before, with no results. Felt I just wasn't getting enough prostate stim to do the trick. I may have done some corona stim which resulted in a regular orgasm, which really frustrated me. ...

I’m a bit disillusioned with orgasming using the aneros method. I have had some good success but it seems to take hours of effort to get any returns at the moment, probably just me. I have been meaning to read about tantric sex for a while and found some good information this morning; it’s similar to what I am doing but involves direct masturbation or sex and subverting energies away from a normal ejaculatory orgasm, together with energy circulation. What...

I have had some amazing success with higher levels of orgasm this week and sort of forgotten about my meditation. I am quite exhausted form work and staying up late trying to orgasm, and I keep waking up early in fact I have been doing that since my adventure began. I wake with butterflies of excitement in my stomach and I can't seem to stop this happening. Maybe my excitement is a bit out of control and actually bringing it...

Tw nights ago I had my first super-O for a while. The night after I was too tired and got nowhere so gave up. Last night it took a while but once I broke throught into an orgasm I knew it was going to be good again. I was still very tired from lack of sleep and long working hours so my mind wasn't really in the right place and I was doubting myself and worried I might 'lose it' but...

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