Greetings, Although I've read into these, I was skeptical. My wife is up for whatever 'play' I'm desiring when it's my body involved. (lol) To date, it's been cool but I've wondered about more than just...

After a while it begins to get redundant when I write these entries expounding that this session was the best or I discovered a new technique that pushed me even higher. But the truth is, that is what this journey is about. My experience each time I insert my tempo or trigger an A Less is about reaching new heights each time and relishing the euphoria that results. Each session I do does teach me some new...

Hey everyone, I'm still on the Journey and only a few minor things to report. Firstly, I have sessions nearly everyday but the weekends are a family bust- which makes the Monday or Tuesday a little special. Secondly, I continue to not obtain the erection and the mental excitement is less fantasy and more direct visual (eg searching for the right porn) which is a distraction but fun too since I can tie p-waves directly with the right visual. Thirdly, have had several HFWOs...

Hi guys, I had my last Aneros session early Saturday morning, December 19, nearly two weeks ago. Right after the session I became sick with a "mild" flu which left me weak for some days, until now! It has become cold once again here DC with much colder weather to arrive early next week. During my convalescence, I had periods of Aless which bordered on the painful. So I suspended sessions with Aneros, all the while feeling like an old man and...

Hello my fellow Aneros citizens. Sorry for not posting my story the last month. It has been my good fortune to be extremely busy with work and keeping up with everything in my life. The good news is I have been having my sessions with my buddies and will now bring you up to my current experience. I have been very fortunate that my anal sensuality is a vibrant world of pleasure. I have been having sessions 2-3 times a...

I thought i was close to making a breakthrough so what do I do? try and have a session every chance I could to make something happen. Well that did not work, in fact I think I regressed. All part of the learning curve I guess. I found myself thinking about what I would write in the forum during my session. This is such a mind game, but i am happy with my progress to date. I am going...

When I don’t make these posts I feel like a part of my sex life is missing. Describing the experiences I have is as much a part of my sexual response as is having them. There is an erotic excitement to writing these that I miss when I skip them. I savor all the things I write about as they happen to me, then I get to savor them again as I remember them and commit them to words....

It has been 3 weeks since my last blog and I have probably had 6-8 sessions since then. Not keeping track of every session which i feel is a good things. In fact I am treating some of my sessions as practice sessions keeping them short and not expecting to much. Most of my pleasure seems to be in the first 30 -45 minutes and then i seem to try and start making things happen. I now am getting subtle...

The calm before the storm is the best expression I can think of for this next ten days before Christmas. Last night conformed eerily to that description. It was deathly quiet in the house, none of my friends were on line, the dog was sound asleep on the futon next to me in my office where I sat cruising on the computer. J was upstairs in her studio working on a project. It has been several...

I was born and raised in New York City. At 11 years old I learned how to ride the NYC subway and figure out where it took me. From that point on the greatest city in the world was my oyster. Almost every week from then until I was 18, I used the magic carpet of the subway to take me to some new neighborhood, street or destination that needed discovering. For all the hundreds of places I was in...

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