Hi guys, The last couple Aneros sessions I continued refining my Kegels and Reverse Kegels with my favorite models of Helix Classic, Maximus and Progasm Classic, but with a new twist. Now I have discovered recently that I can insert Helix Classic and Maximus with ease on my back with my butt on a pillow. I have taken the insertion process to a higher level with my legs folded right up to my chest. My anus is then exposed fully for...

Last night while my wife was out late I decided to have a session. I was looking for a pretty quick fix, so I slid in my trusty blue progasm. Since its just plastic, no silicone, I used some silicone lube and it slid in nicely. I sat in the recliner for a while reading, but put my book aside as I was having too many delicious fantasies. I started my orgasmic climb, much like a...

Hi guys, This morning I had a most satisfying session with my favorite models: Helix Classic, Maximus, Tempo, and Progasm Classic. My routine these days in sessions is that with Helix Classic, Maximus, and Progasm Classic is to insert those models while lying on my right side. I allow myself a few minutes to accommodate each of those models and then switch on my back with my butt on a pillow. That is when the real "action" takes place. But recently that...

Hi guys, This morning I had a most satisfying session with my favorite models: Helix Classic, Maximus, Tempo, and Progasm Classic. My routine these days in sessions is that with Helix Classic, Maximus, and Progasm Classic is to insert those models while lying on my right side. I allow myself a few minutes to accommodate each of those models and then switch on my back with my butt on a pillow. That is when the real "action" takes place. But recently that...

Hi guys, This morning I had a most satisfying session with my favorite models: Helix Classic, Maximus, Tempo, and Progasm Classic. My routine these days in sessions is that with Helix Classic, Maximus, and Progasm Classic is to insert those models while lying on my right side. I allow myself a few minutes to accommodate each of those models and then switch on my back with my butt on a pillow. That is when the real "action" takes place. But recently that...

Hi guys, Saturday a few days ago, I had an Aneros session for the first time in over a month. It went well enough. Afterward I visited Aneros.com and noticed that it has been redesigned thoroughly much in the weeks that I had been away. This afternoon I was able to reset and change my password after an hour or two trying. However this morning I had another session with my Aneros mainstays, Helix Classic, Maximus, Tempo, and Progasm Classic. It's gotten...

i am a gay man, 53 y old, english is not my native language, for the moment happy single and important: till two months ago nearly no anal experience...

I have been an aneros user for many years but only had recent success. I had big issues regarding getting beyond a certain point, it seemed after a few mins things would die down, no matter what i did. Today i discovered that the issue is my arousal levels and a total lack of them after a few mins. So going against the grain today the following happened around lunchtime: [LIST] [*][COLOR=#000000][FONT=Helvetica][SIZE=12px]Sitting propped up using pillows on bed[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR] [*][COLOR=#000000][FONT=Helvetica][SIZE=12px]Used laptop and had some awesome...

I'm excited to be here and have already had some promising progress, but in the interest of completeness, I'm including some background info in case others may relate or find it otherwise useful. I've never really had hangups about sticking things in my ass. Even as a teenager, my search for trying anything sexual that I could had me sticking things up there in the hopes that it would feel good. I remember actually buying a dildo and just...

This is my first blog. I little about me and the start of my journey. I am a 53 year old heterosexual male. I have been married for 23 years and have loved every minute. I have always had a auto sexual side and my wife has been fine with that. I have "toyed" with anal play during some of my solo sessions - fingers - too awkward - bought a small butt plug - did...

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