• Beginings

    This is my first blog. I little about me and the start of my journey. I am a 53 year old heterosexual male. I have been married for 23 years and have loved every minute. I have always had a auto sexual side and my wife has been fine with that. I have "toyed" with anal play during some of my solo sessions – fingers – too awkward – bought a small butt plug – did not care for it. Several months ago I started fantasizing more about anal penetration and I started looking for an appropriate toy. After a lot of research I settled on the Aneros products – but which to get?
    I was not sure what size would be good for me so I purchased the Helix Syn and the DeVice – I could decide which to use once I saw them up close.
    My purchase arrived over the week end:
    First impressions – The Helix Syn seemed smaller than I expected – but based on the reviews I still had high hopes. The Device was larger than I expected and much larger than the Helix – I decided that I would put the DeVice away until I was much more experienced, (glad that I did not purchase that 5.5 inch x 1.5 inch Anal Fantasy model that I was originally looking at.)
    Anyways – I had a short 20 minute session over the weekend – just to see what it would feel like – Insertion of the Helix was smooth, it felt comfortable – no over whelming sensations. No erection – no penis stimulation (I want to go hands free). Started to produce a lot of pre-cum, which is nice because I do enjoy that.
    I had an appointment today and took a full day off. I decided that I would give myself 1 to 1.5 hours with the Helix Syn. I kept my expectations low and was just looking forward to seeing what kind of sensations I could generate. I prepped the area – then prepped my body – stretching, quiet meditation, controlled steady breathing. I had showered, and pre-lubed. I was ready. Again the insertion was pretty easy – I used a hand mirror so that I could watch as it was sucked into my anus. That was pretty cool. I laid back and relaxed for about 15 minutes. Just concentrating on the feeling of the Helix inside of me. Relaxing, steady breathing, I started very slow and easy anal contractions. The Helix felt good moving inside of me. I left my penis alone – no touching except to wipe off the pre-cum that was dripping out. No erection – just the gentle movement of the Helix.
    I varied the rhythm of my anal contractions, all very slow, but holding some longer than others. About a 1/2 hour in I could feel a small flutter start in my belly – it spread through my hips as I held the contraction in my anus. This sensation lasted for about 2 minutes – it was nice. I concentrated on controlling my breathing and relaxed my body.
    After a few minutes of rest, I started some slow contracts again. Within 15 minutes my body had taken over – the contractions just happening, holding tight for longer periods until my hips, legs and belly were shaking uncontrollably. I tried to just let it go and continue but had to relax my anus after a few minutes and the shaking stopped – It felt so good, and laughed at how good it felt – I wanted more.
    I relaxed for a few minutes and started the contraction again. This time things happened very quickly. The contractions, the spasms, the final contraction held, the shaking, my hips lifting and then my penis hardened and ejaculated – I couldn't believe it, the sense of euphoria, bliss and pleasure.
    I can't wait for my next session – but know that I do not want to over do it.
    Thanks for reading
    Happy riding

    1 Comment

    • Avatar for Akhard68


      06/08/2016at4:05 pm

      Hi, I’m a 47 yr old married man, I just bought my first massager the Aneros Eupho Syn, and got excited just opening the box, I thought it was beautifully crafted and boxed. Haven’t used it yet, waiting for the right lubricant and time enough to enjoy, that shoud happen on friday morning if all goes as planned. I’ll tell you all about it…

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