I had a fantastic session with my Progasm Ice last night. The unit got me to 'the edge of the precipice' and kept me there for over an hour. It seems nipple play helps electrify the sensations along with some mild contractions of the floor muscles. I often overlook the P-Ice in favor of one of my four others and I shouldn't. Once done, the orgasmic sensation stayed with me throughout the night and the feeling is still...

I've been an Aneros MGX user for less than a week, but what a wonderful week it's been! I'm taking celexa for anxiety and it caused me sensation loss both by myself or with my wife. The MGX solved that!! Anyway, I've found the shower to be my time. Allows me to clean myself and enjoy some private time. Start by squatting to insert, then slowly stand until that magic feeling starts. Not quite standing, not sitting, somewhere closer to...

I continue to enjoy the ride and journey with 80% HFWO success with the progasm. Will start to mix it up with my other models since I've enjoyed progasm exclusively for the last 4 months or so. Also did a tantra the other day which helped in the breathing exercises (still not consistent) and the movement of the arousal energy capability. Highly recommended. Also had the chance to share my secret with a friend who was looking for "more". Hope...

Hi again, now that I've catched up on some sleep after little Eupho Syn left me too jaded to continue my blogpost on sunday [sorry for that cliffhanger] I must admit that I am still worn out by my prostate determined sex life of the last month. Since my gland awoke it seems to go off to sleep nevermore. All day present vibes and unvoluntaries rule my day and all your varied experiences you share on this site add some new...

I finally received my Eupho Syn yesterday and last night was it's inauguration night.  At first, I did not feel anything (used to Maximus, MGX, H-Syn and Progasm) but it did not take long for it to go to work.  The new model generated new senstions and I now know why it is considered one of the most maneuverable model. It is a nice addition to my collection and I look forwrd to more sessions with my new toy. Life is wonderful! ...

6 months into my Aneros journey and it is time to try a new model. I started off with the Progasm Ice and it has totally surpassed my wildest expectations so I though I would try a new model. I went for the Helix Syn as it seems to be a popular and highly recommended model. As soon as it arrived in the post I could not wait to try it out. I was surprised at the size difference between the...

Omitting two weeks of wonderful experiences with and without Aneros tools I can’t hold back from first sharing my today’s overwhelming progresses. About sex with my alter ego sharing thoughts. Based on experiences with a body of the same gender lesbian and gay sex at least can benefit from better understanding what may arouse the partner most. Seventeen years ago Mel Gibson taught us about the priceless advantage of being able to hear the innermost thoughts of all women („What Woman Want“). But...

Hi guys, It is hard to believe that my last Aneros session occurred a week ago on Christmas Eve. I must have had a lot on my mind in the interim, or it could have been just the weather. After running a couple errands mid morning, I decided to have a New Years Eve session. Errands done, my mind was freed from concerns. My body certainly craved or lusted for a session. I used the usual models of MGX, Maximus, and Progasm Classic....

I have been guilted for years that a single guy is never to relieve himself, meanwhile I have experienced days where I could hardly pee due to, what I am assuming is BPH. For years, I ejaculated after having lengthy masturbation sessions looking at sinful websites. I have used the helix syn twice now. The first time for only an hour and no results, the second time a couple hours and a roaring ejaculation when I masturbated afterwards. My symptoms...

Been re discovering the tempo again the last few sessions and tonight after a week off riding I fancied some fun. The tempo is so easy just a small amount of coconut oil insert and let the pendulum swing .I have found that on all fours facing down knees bent is the way to go and adjusting the angle of your back to get the counter balance weight of the stainless steel rocking, once it started i breathed in and...

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