Oh what a wonderful sunday morning! Still accompanied by involuntaries I must write down my experiences during my session this morning, before I forget the stunning details, though it for now seems unforgettable. I decided not to mess around with cleaning up my rectum and inserting any tools there but did choose my new Muze to have some fun with, only using it externally. As I lately got to know the spot right above my penis as a very sensitive one...

Hello all, I am starting this blog more for myself to keep track of how my sessions are going. Today I started with the Tempo. I inserted it and than sat at my desk and did some paperwork. The tempo is a great starter tool for me. It reallys get things moving. It just seams to pump me, just in and out. Getting my mussles ready for the next tool. I road the tempo for about 45 minutes getting alot of precum. I...

Hi guys, Early this morning from 5 a.m. to around 6:30 a.m. I had one of my most powerful and pleasurable Aneros sessions. I worked with five of my Aneros models in this order: Eupho Classic, MGX, Helix Classic, and Progasm Classic. I call such a session an Aneros full court press. A full court press is a basketball term, not the term in politics one hears all too often these days in American media politics. A full court press in basketball...

Hi guys, Recently there has been discussion on Aneros Forum about MGX vs Helix Classic. I wanted to find out for myself. In the process of doing all this, Helix Classic has joined my regular lineup of models used in my sessions. Last couple sessions, I used in order MGX, Helix Classic, Maximus, and Progasm Classic which produces sessions which last about an hour. Nothing cannot beat the ribbed stem of MGX which massages nicely my anal canal while this model penetrates...

Hey guys, life couldn't be more wonderful. If I only had more time to surrender to this awesome sexual and sensual bliss coming with re-wiring and Aless. This all time full-body awareness of arousal states of my nipples, my gland, my testicles, my penis or even my neck or my ears is so exciting. Every morning I take at least a quarter of an hour to give in to Aless. I only have to wake up to find myself starting...

Hi guys, Yesterday morning early at sunrise I had a session with my favorite models, MGX, Maximus, and Progasm Classic which lasted just under one hour. With two chair cushions under my butt, penetration angle for my Aneros models is more direct than ever before. The last month or so I have been aiming for more leisurely and relaxed sessions as I focus more and more their movement within my anal canal and massage motion around my prostate in a "hooking"...

This is a two part entry describing some of my recent activities.  First, I have learned the hard way that rushing the process of inserting my Aneros device in for a session can have bad consequences specially if it's my Progasm Ice (I often refer to it as my nuclear sub).  A few weeks ago, I was in the basement TV room preparing to have a much anticipated session. I had lubed up and had started to insert my PI (first...

Hi everyone, last week I again had a nice ride with my Eupho Syn, sending me into wonderful moments of bliss and contentedness. After that and for about a week now I am amazed by a morning routine of about seven to ten minutes of finest Aless. After a short visit to the bathroom I first fully open the window of my dorm to let in fresh breezes of air before I undress and lie down naked on...

I think I finally understand what a prostate orgasm feels like. In the past i believe i was wishing i had one but it was more of a traditional orgasm in disguise. I usually had to have some form of penis contact to initiate a orgasm and most of the time they ended with ejaculation. Todays session however was totally different. I had some alone time and it was a nice warm day so i just relaxed naked on my...

Hi guys, So far I have had three Aneros sessions this week: Monday June 26 with MGX, Maximus, and Progasm Classic. Tuesday June 27 with MGX, Maximus, and Progasm ICE. And earlier this morning with MGX, Maximus, and Progasm Classic. This morning's session was especially noteworthy with even deeper, more intense Aneros penetration of my anal canal and "hooking" of my prostate. I just let go and relaxed so nicely, and all this happened in a session that lasted just 45 minutes which concluded at...

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