Hi guys, Early last evening, Saturday November, I had a show, leisurely Aneros session that must have lasted close to two hours! In many ways, I was slow dancing with Eupho Classic, Helix Classic, MGX, Maximus, and Progasm ICE. I let my Aneros models work on me without little involvement upon them by myself. In many ways, the session was routine, mostly deft and soft in texture. I had good Aless in bed overnight. However, all day today, Sunday, I...

Hi guys, Saturday, October 28: Many mornings recently I have been waking up with a most delicious prostate-anal tingle in my bunghole. That most masculine feeling is at the heart of my Aless these days. It is so wonderful to interact with this Aless with the Kegels, slow, gentle breathing, and at times, diddling my nipples, especially in bed at night. Usually I have Aneros sessions first thing in the most when both my body and mind are at their freshest. That condition...

Thursday evening, I had an excellent session with my Helix Syn.  The P-waves were plentiful and exquisite, much better than usual.  Unfortunately, after 2 1/4 hours of pure pleasure, I had to end the session and retire to bed.  My prostate however was not done; it was craving and screaming for more action.  Once in bed, I felt an incredible urge to engage in an Aless session but I had to suppress it since my better half was not sleeping...

This is a first for me. I have had many hours of precum leaking and small orgasms with hard-soft cycling (posted vids even), ending with jo. This time those built into two violent hole clenching orgasms. Then a final one with a complete release of Ejac. All hands free. Video is posted if that is helpful. ...

When thinking about that awesome aless session on which I reported in my last post, I doubted the Eupho Syn was big enough to support comparable pleasures. So I ordered the Helix Syn, which has a bigger head and body why it should be able to trigger my prostate gland the harder way it seemed to be yearning for. On the second day I already unpacked my second Aneros tool. By the way, it's a little like unwrapping gifts, so...

Hi guys, Sunday morning yesterday, there was the annual Marine Corps Marathon race here in DC. It is one of the greatest events yearly here. Unfortunately route of the marathon passed through my neighborhood and disrupted bus service to church, so much so that I had to stay home and view our church service over the Internet. After the service, I went to our 7 Eleven to get a coffee refill, a sandwich, and a couple pastries for lunch. I appreciate very...

Not sure what a Super O is, hope I never find out. Cause I never want to meet the final goal. I want to always be striving for a better or different type of session Todays session was something else. It was more for my spirit than my body. Felt tingles all over from my toes to my ears. I am typing this as I enjoy the after glow of it. I know it sounds cornny, but this was one of the...

Hi guys, I had to run an errand in my neighborhood early this morning. My walk back to my errand awakened in me an ache and horniness for the Aneros! But I wanted to delay my Aneros session until late this afternoon and just let my Aneros horniness build. Finally I had my session in the noon hour today with just four models in this order: Helix Classic, MGX, Maximus, and Progasm Classic. Thus it was Aneros Classic all the way in...

Hi guys, I had a great session with my five Aneros buddies early Monday morning in the 5 and 6 o'clock hour before sunrise. However, it was raining just as a cold front was passing through ushering some really cold weather. By Monday evening, it was getting downright cold with temperatures plummeting into the forties. Management has not turned on the heat yet. This cold can interfere with the enjoyment of my Aneros sessions. Wednesday morning I had another session which I really...

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