I've had the Hypno CD for a while and tired it a couple of times when I first got my aneros. I didn't have too much luck with it. Today, I decided to listen to it during an anerosless session (with a teeny bit of KS mixed in). The results were actually quite good. I managed to get in a full-body tingling state that was really enjoyable. Towards the end of the session, I had a string of very intense dry-o's. During...

<from: http://community.aneros.com/forum/discussion/12170/my-first-anal-prostate-aneros-session#Item_1 > Thanks to all who read my "journal" of progress. I Just finish my fourth session: I must admit, I can't wait a day for using again my aneros device. This time I focused much more to internal and anal sensation. I will not explain this time all I did just told you in the past. I must say that I never found me moaning in this mode: I got a couple of orgasm, strange and dry orgasm, with my penis become...

<from: http://community.aneros.com/forum/discussion/12170/my-first-anal-prostate-aneros-session#Item_1 > Hello Everybody...

I went back the Eupho a couple of days ago to see what would happen. Basically, not much did. Mid-session, I switched to the Helix and had some very intense feelings. My conclusion is that, for me right now, the Eupho isn't the right toy. So, when I'm in the mood for an aneros, I'll be going for the Helix. I wonder if this implies I should get something even bigger? ;-)...

<from: http://community.aneros.com/forum/discussion/12170/my-first-anal-prostate-aneros-session#Item_1 > Hello to Everybody...

<from: http://community.aneros.com/forum/discussion/12170/my-first-anal-prostate-aneros-session#Item_1 > Hello to everybody. After a long time, reading, seeing and thinking about having an Aneros device, last week I decided to order one. After talking with a friend of mine that owns an MGX and the Hypnaerosession CD, I decide for the SGX, because I'm novice with anal play and so this will be the first time I will insert something in my anus. So yesterday evening, after my friend gave to me the CD, I decide to test it for...

I decided to try my helix after quite a long time of not using it (my latest aneros experiences have been with my Eupho). I started about midnight. I knew this would probably interfere with sleep, but I didn't care. Upon insertion, I immediately noticed a stronger reaction than in prior sessions. I walked around a bit with it in; this generated some pretty strong feelings. I then settled into bed with the computer and looked at some porn. This part...

Last night I decided to try my eupho again. I do this occasionally just to see what happens. My preferred aneros position is on my back, knees up, feet flat, with a towel propping up my butt. I have to say this was the best aneros session I can remember. I had many orgasms. I think several of them were very close in intensity to the best I've had with KSMO. I decided to experiment a bit with positions. The...

I've been sick so I haven't had any sessions in a little while. Today I decided to see what would happen. I started with about 1/2 hour of sitting, looking at porn, and making the KS. Things ramped up very quickly and I had at least one super-o and a number of lesser orgasms. I then took a break for about an hour to eat something. After this, I laid down in bed and relaxed. This part of the session lasted...

Hello to all, The last 3-4 weeks have been very interesting/enlightening, let me explain. I started using the progasm again as i explained in my last blog, i was having long sessions (3 hours usually) then taking about a week's break, i had some nice experiences but no further super o's, i had what i can only describe as possible anal orgasm's at the end of two sessions. I got a (big) feeling in my rectum & no erection this lasted a...

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