• oh man!

    Last night I decided to try my eupho again. I do this occasionally just to see what happens. My preferred aneros position is on my back, knees up, feet flat, with a towel propping up my butt. I have to say this was the best aneros session I can remember. I had many orgasms. I think several of them were very close in intensity to the best I've had with KSMO. I decided to experiment a bit with positions. The most interesting one was on my hands and knees with my head down on my pillow and my butt high in the air. The position left me quite stretched out and I was not expecting anything good to come of it. However, after a couple of minutes, it started to feel really really good. The thing that caught me totally off-guard was that it started to feel like I was on a waterbed. There was a definite rolling motion of the bed. I have no idea why; it was really strange. By the way, even though I'm completely straight, I have to admit I did fantasize about being fucked in the ass while in this position. It seemed sort of natural with my ass so high in the air :-).
    After about an hour with the aneros, things calmed down a lot and I decided to take it out and do some KS. This didn't disappoint. I ended up reaching a state where every KS led to a super-o. I must have had 15 in a row. Some lasted minutes upon minutes. For the record, all of these were contractionless. After a while, my body indicated it needed a break so I stopped.
    After about 3 hours of watching TV and relaxing, I decided it was time for bed. As soon as I laid down, I had an orgasm. It came on me all by itself; all I did was start to relax. It built from nothing to ecstasy in about 30 seconds. Following this, I had a few lesser orgasms. I didn't sleep all that well but I did eventually get some sleep.
    This morning, I woke up extremely horny. I don't mean horny in the traditional sense but I mean in the aneros/ksmo sense. My body was ready to explode with the slightest of encouragement. So, I laid in bed and simply relaxed. I didn't do any KS or any of the other techniques I use to build arousal. The orgasms just started coming, wave after wave. They felt glorious. These were a nice combination of contractionless and contraction. My body seemed to know exactly what to do. The added bonus was that, for part of the time, I had a throbbing erection. This is unusual for my KS practice. It felt so good to have these waves or orgasm flowing along with an erection. I was in heaven. The other thing that made this session unusual was that I wasn't involved in the process at all. I was just observing.
    I'm still in a state of constant p-waves. I can shut them down if I focus on something else but they'll come back immediately without much effort.


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      06/27/2010at12:26 pm

      One thing I forgot to add:
      I'm finding that while aneros use doesn't necessarily yield the best orgasms for me, it does seem to help me progress in my KS practice. Or, at least it provides a temporary "charge" that I can use. Time will tell if this latest aneros experience has pushed me to a new level or not. Needless to say, I think I will be using aneros as a warm up in my KS sessions more often.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      07/04/2010at11:52 pm

      I'm fairly new to aneros, although I have already had some fantastic sessions. I don't know what KS and KSMO mean, and haven't been able to find out with some searching.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      07/05/2010at12:15 am

      Nevermind. I found KSMO in the WIKE Glossary. Duh!

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