Have you ever had sex with your partner where they only want it hard and deep? My aneros session today was completely different to my average ones. Normally I am relaxed and the more relaxed I get the better the feelings and more the aneros moves. This one was different. I inserted the helix and lay back on my side. My body normally does to bites)involuntary movements( at the aneros and pauses for a few seconds then starts rhythmic movement. This happens almost every time! Today...

Well yesterday I bought some baby pacifiers and cut them down to use as supple nipps. The left nipple is holding well and gets engorged but the right does not hold as good but does work as long as you dont bump it. I did not notice any extra stimulation from sensitivity directly except when very aroused I think I felt some electricity from each nipple down towards my penis. However in saying this I have had the best morning session ever even...

I was full into prostate session. My Progasm ICE autof$#king my ass, and I cumming like crazy. Constantly throbbing cock with steady flow of precum flowing making my loins so wet. Suddenly I with the rest of my body shaking, my cock just froze and then started oozing big thick globs of creamy cum. I wasn't orgasming, just oozing cum. I watched entranced as they slowly slid down my cock and onto my lower...

Last week was a wild ride. Had 5 session days in a row )been several months since I've done that(. At the end of it all, I felt overworked and couldn't fathom anymore sessions. Thank god I didn't try for another session, as on Saturday )3 days after my last session( I felt my perineum and noticed some rawness to the area. It seems that my indulgence in the pleasure was a bit much for the tender skin, and rubbed...

I had a even better session last night. My butt was craving all day after my last post so I saddled up again. Got to dry O zone again and rode that for a hour or so. I think it was about 2 hours in and I started to get in a frenzy and I could feel a massive build up of energy starting. It got greater and greater until I was almost about to explode some how but I dont know how. Alas the...

Ok thats more like it! I had a good session last night. Instead of using the helix first I decided to use the eupho. Oh miss eupho is great! I still have to hold a slight contraction to get the action to happen but I had a really good session although I dont think I had any dry Os but upon reflection I think I had many mini Os. After a two hour session with the eupho I switched to the helix. I inserted it and...

So, yeah, I thought I was done. But, that rewired gland was calling loudly, "Feed me, feed me." How can I refuse such a plea? It has been a long time since I've had the freedom to have a Helix Sleep Over. So, why not? Sure, let's do it. Since it was going to be a long term commitment, at least six hours, I lubed up my Classic Helix. It allows me to use the long lasting silicone. Inserted and stretched out...

Holy Cow! Decided on a second run with my friend the Syn. I think this friend needs psycho-therapy. The Syn, for me, is a bi-polar, manic-depressive thing. Only a few hours before she was sublime, sweet, easy, oh so sexy. Well, the polarity switch was flipped for my second ride of the day. Oh, my! Oh, my! She was an aggressive dominatrix. She began in her usual, sublime way until I relented to her pursuit. Once I showed the smallest inkling of submission,...

Today was another breakthrough session. I had what I would classify as a dry mini-o. I was about 30 minutes into my session when some p-waves started to kick in. At first I attempted to really pursue these feelings, but I must have been over thinking things and everything initially faded away. A couple minutes later another p-wave kicked in. This time I just decided to let go and just enjoy the ride no matter...

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