• Time for a sleep over

    So, yeah, I thought I was done. But, that rewired gland was calling loudly, "Feed me, feed me." How can I refuse such a plea?
    It has been a long time since I've had the freedom to have a Helix Sleep Over. So, why not? Sure, let's do it.
    Since it was going to be a long term commitment, at least six hours, I lubed up my Classic Helix. It allows me to use the long lasting silicone. Inserted and stretched out on the bed. Remember, this is after two other rides with my Syn! I was ready for a nice long, winter's nap. What a fun time it was. I had the most vivid dreams, slept like a baby, and had wonderful occasional blissful awakenings. There were intersperse Dry and Supers with long stretches of sleepy Calm Seas.
    When I finally did get up, only 15 minutes after the alarm, I felt complete and whole, happy, content, and healthy.
    This day had been full of hundreds, countless orgasms of every nature and intensity. I felt vulnerable and, at the same time, invincible. Strong and humble. Focused and foggy. Silly and serious.
    Oh, such a wonderful journey this continues to be. I am so grateful to my new found human-ness. Always new things to enjoy – patience and practice have paid off grandly.
    Until the next time, which, if I had my way would be in the next few minutes!

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