• Greedy deep throat different session.

    Have you ever had sex with your partner where they only want it hard and deep?
    My aneros session today was completely different to my average ones.
    Normally I am relaxed and the more relaxed I get the better the feelings and more the aneros moves.
    This one was different.
    I inserted the helix and lay back on my side. My body normally does to bites)involuntary movements( at the aneros and pauses for a few seconds then starts rhythmic movement.
    This happens almost every time!
    Today It took one bite waited about ten seconds and then there was a jolt of electricity starting from my foot down my leg to my anus which made my anus suck in hard!
    The aneros smacked in as far up as it could.
    The rhythmic motion was there for about 10 seconds and then changed to a rhythmic micro movement.
    It felt like it was polishing the surface of my prostate. after a minute or so the movement s got larger and the pleasure really started.
    This sucking in action normally happens as I have a dry O but today it was the how the session was going to continue.
    I relaxed and relaxed and managed to get the muscles to ease off to and relaxed state but after 30 seconds My body said NO and Sucked it in hard again.
    I wold have to describe it as violent.
    My body would suck it in and hold it in tight.
    The orgasms were great and there was double the amount of precum leakage.
    Towards the end of the session it was getting time for my wife to get home.
    But I did not want to stop as the feeling were so good.
    I felt like if someone had tried to pull the aneros out of me that my anus would fight back and growl and bite at them. A weird feeling but I just did not want to stop.
    I did manage to force myself to remove it but tried a experiment. I inserted my eupho to see if the same thing happened but no it was almost dead. i took it out after 15 min.
    All in all with the helix I tried to relax about 15 times but every time the aneros came slamming back in.
    The clamping of my anus made my anus muscles sore and my perineum sore too from the p-tab.
    I cant say it was not a bad session as I loved it but it was very different.

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