• The Dame is not so sweet this time…

    Holy Cow!
    Decided on a second run with my friend the Syn. I think this friend needs psycho-therapy. The Syn, for me, is a bi-polar, manic-depressive thing.
    Only a few hours before she was sublime, sweet, easy, oh so sexy.
    Well, the polarity switch was flipped for my second ride of the day. Oh, my! Oh, my! She was an aggressive dominatrix. She began in her usual, sublime way until I relented to her pursuit. Once I showed the smallest inkling of submission, she took complete control. )Of course domination works best when there is a willing submissive, oh, yes…I was willing…( I opened myself, let go of control, gave myself over, all of me. She took advantage and rode me like a banshee. Deep, fast, hard. I became delirious several times. I was a whipped puppy, a willing slave. She was relentless, never lacking energy.
    During the whole thing, I randomly traveled through Dry, Super, Calm Seas Orgasms. Hard and soft, flailing, paralyzed, pre-cum flying, then just dripping down and coating my balls. I moaned, screamed, whimpered, laughed. I talked to her and let her know what I wanted, she obliged. Over and over I screamed "F… me, f… me!" She willingly met my desire. Oh, how lucky I am!!!
    It was one heck of a wild ride. At the end I was so exhausted I fell fast asleep. Conked out for 30 minutes and woke up in a orgasmic fog. I was so satisfied and content. I wanted more, but my poor body couldn't take any thing more.
    I thought…

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