Intrepid darwin has just added to his blog here about his two visual blogs celebrating the polymorphus imaginative sensuality of the male anus and its incredibly complex and powerfully responsive neural networking!! I have posted a comment to his "Visual Blogs" entry setting out my experience in this, and its important potential for us all here at Aneros....

Since my last blog on the 17 I have had a number of sessions with the eupho. The little bugger has got better but still wont blow me away like it did back when I first got it. I did sleep with it once and had a dream of being in a classroom at high school naked with the aneros in me on a table and the whole class studying the effects of it on me! They started asking question but...

Hi guys, I am composing this blog entry early Thursday afternoon to tell you that I had one of the best sessions I have had so far with the Maximus, Progasm Ice, and Progasm Classic. Normally I write about my Aneros experiences a day or so after a session, perhaps several days following. Blogging immediately after a session gives the impression of vividness and freshness otherwise denied if I delay my recording my impressions a day or several days after. Today was...

I woke up at 5:30 a.m. Saturday yesterday morning in excitement with a delicious, vibrant boner, much like a stallion at the gate at a horse race. I looked forward to a long, leisurely Aneros session. Saturday mornings are ideal for such because it is a day when there is very little going on. Most fellow tenants at my apartment building are fast asleep early Saturday mornings. Hardly any staff around at that hour. I can focus on having stupendous...

I have had a number of sessions lately using my helix. Dry Os are reached mostly but as I have been coming off my pain tablets the pleasure has been waning a little. I have made the decision to give the eupho a go again. It had stopped working for me but it is time to mix things up again. First session not much happening. Second one which was last night I had a hour of wonderful feelings that reminded me why I love...

Hello all, I have exciting news! Last night, I broke my "no consecutive session days" rule but I am glad I did. It started off like any other session but I was able to actually find a "groove." I have been able to get pleasure from the aneros for well over a year but I have never been able to build the arousal. I have only ever been able to feel hints of pleasure here and there but I have...

Woke this with a few hours of alone time on my hands. Decided on a morning ride with my friend, the Syn. As always, she entered me gently and settled in, ready to pleasure me. And, being the consistent toy that she is, within a minute she shot a Dry O through me. Slight contractions encouraged the enjoyment. Energy radiated from my core through my whole body. I kept myself as calm as I could, keeping at bay the impending Super...

Hello, all. I have some pretty promising news today. A couple of days ago after a dud session I decided to see just how far I could go with nipple stimulation alone. I have never been one to go to my nipples for sexual pleasure but I have always heard people in the forums raving about it. So I decided to just concentrate and give it a shot. )It probably helps that it had been 4 days since my last orgasm( Well,...

First week of my training regimen is complete, and I must say I'm enjoying the sensations and overall well-being that I've gotten from it. The first day caused a LOT of pleasure )similar to a regular Aneros session(, then it sort of fizzled out for the rest of the week while I was toning my muscles. Although this decreased my desire for using the Peridise, I stuck with it and continued my nightly sessions )only one missed day, couldn't help...

Hello again, nothing major to report unfortunately. This week I have decided to start cutting back on traditional orgasms to once a week or so to improve my arousal levels. Hopefully it gives me the extra push I need to make it further. My past few sessions have been forgettable but I did experiment with a new position. I tried lying on my left side with my right leg bent up and left leg straight. I got really good prostate simulation...

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