• The Progasm is Absolute Pleasure!!! Sessions for Thursday December 13

    Hi guys,
    I am composing this blog entry early Thursday afternoon to tell you that I had one of the best sessions I have had so far with the Maximus, Progasm Ice, and Progasm Classic. Normally I write about my Aneros experiences a day or so after a session, perhaps several days following. Blogging immediately after a session gives the impression of vividness and freshness otherwise denied if I delay my recording my impressions a day or several days after.
    Today was supposed to my a day devoted to my volunteer work at a large church library here in DC. But the director that library couldn't come to work today, so we delayed my volunteering to next week sometime. Right now I am savoring the afterglow of what occurred this morning. I have been Kegeling off and on and right I am stimulating my nipples and hairy pecs through my Under Armour T-shirt and caressing my penis through my Munsingwear Kangaroo Pouch briefs. Ah, it feels so good!
    I began my session this morning at 6:30 a.m. with the Maximus. I worked with my good buddy for a good thirty minutes focusing in my mind how the Maximus massaged my prostate and anal canal. I am getting to the point that I can focus upon the subtle nuances of Anerosing with my guys. This morning, I replicated the good time I had with Maximus just two days ago on Tuesday morning. Working with Maximus in this fashion prepared me well with the Progasm Ice with which or whom I worked for a good hour. I just couldn't get enough of Progasm Ice. Then I continued with his big bruiser brother, Progasm Classic, for another hour of Anerosing. Working with these three BIG main men is sheer pleasure. But working with big bruiser, Progasm Classic, is absolute pleasure. This morning I focused upon Getting into the Zone with my big guys. By this, I mean, contracting my anal muscles subtly as I let each model massage my prostate deftly and sweetly thus delivering the sweetest pleasure I can imagine.
    Anyway I wanted to continue my session even longer, perhaps 3 or even 3.5 hours and thereby incorporate by the Helix Syn and Helix Classic on the action. But I had to bring my session this morning to an end at 8:30 a.m. so that I could leave on time for my volunteer work at the church library. However, when I was getting ready to dress in my business attire, I received an e-mail from the library director telling me to put off my volunteer session next week. Hence, I stayed home enjoying my Aneros afterglow!
    However, at 2 p.m. right now, my Aneros buddies are beckoning me to some more Aneros action. I am so horny now that I may oblige with pleasure!
    So at 2:15 p.m., I began my unprecedented afternoon session with the Progasm Ice. He slipped in easily but there was none of the passion I had with him or the other guys I had earlier this morning. I worked with Progasm Ice for a good thirty minutes. Somehow, even though I was performing both strong and gentle Kegels upon him, the massage action was there, but it was light and gentle, so I focused on those sensations. Then I switched over the Helix Syn for another half-hour. The Helix Syn gave my prostate a more vigorous, yet direct massage. Again an absence of passion. So I brought this mini-session to an end after an hour. I think I made the right decision not to overdo myself. Henceforth, I shall restrict myself to Aneros sessions, once every other day and allow my body and psyche to lie fallow on the off days as suggested by directions at the Aneros Wiki. Take care!

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