TL;DR * MGX provided new sensations * P-Tab was still too tough * Mass itching nearly broke the night * Progasm settled in nicely * Feeling of 'fullness' developed and bolstered arousal * Tug-of-War gave Progasm large strokes * Plus, rocking back and fourth with strokes gave large orgasms The itching and pains around my lower regions have settled down quite a bit now - great! And the irritations in my anus have almost disappeared - save for the occasional itch here and there. The cream I use...

Hi guys, Because of events that came up a couple days, I didn't have an Aneros session since last Tuesday morning. However this morning I rose early around 4:30, shaved, bathed, did my laundry while having my morning constitutional outside and some breakfast. With all that done around 6:45 a.m., I set up for the session and as part of foreplay, I read some gay pornography on the Internet which made my horny for my Aneros buddies. This morning I worked my Aneros...

Hello, everyone. This is where BeardedTiger and Cheetah will be recounting our recent sexual adventures. There is a brief but detailed background of our relationship found in the pegging thread. Our first "new" adventure is also found there. The next night, we couldn't wait to get at each other. As I walked in the door that evening, Cheetah met me at the door, looking beautiful and smiling seductively, and said, "Are you hungry?" I growled and nodded. She said, "I think...

The epicenter was about seven inches south of my navel and a few inches below the surface. The shock waves radiated out through my whole body - all the way to the extremities, fingers, toes, neck, head. The trembler measured well above 10 on the Richter Scale. The main quake lasted for more than 45 minutes and caused widespread "damage." The most intriguing result of the quake was the parallel shockwaves that ran up my hardened penis several times during the...

I finally ordered my first Helix. Today I tried it . The chats were very helpful. I lubed up with KY and lied on my side to slowly put in the toy. At first, I had to relax but my anus readily opened and accepted what I had to offer. I was surprised that when it passed into the rectum it was quickly sucked in and rested there. I just lied there and relaxed for only 20 minutes but...

Hi guys, The saga of my couple months' attempt to secure a Progasm Classic in Black ended last week when Pleasure Tease in New Jersey sent as a consolation a Progasm Classic in Blue. It arrived by USPS Priority Mail at my apartment building last Good Friday afternoon. Also last week I contacted Support about the availability of the Progasm Classic in Black. They wrote back to say that that model had been replaced or superseded by the newer Progasm...

Have been making good progress regardless, as the posts from before point out. Actually, a session two weeks back was great - I tried listening to 'Hypnaerosession' and on top of erotic imagery, waves of adrenaline tingled my abdomen non stop. There came a point where I clamped down intensely, and my dick was having dry ejaculations. On top of this, on occasion I moan almost involuntarily now and that really helps things - along with heavy breathing. I discovered...

This entry won't be about the session of either recently or previous. Instead, it's more of an update - and something I feel would help to get out of my mind. Over the past months, starting around early November, I've been getting non-stop itches around my ass. I shrugged it off as a phase, but they wouldn't stop over the following weeks. To make matters worse, rashes built up from continuously scrubbing the itches with toilet paper - to...

Looking back through my blog entries has made me realised how different my Aneros sessions are now. When I started this blog I was struggling not to have HFWO's during sessions. My body would always try and create a traditional orgasm when things started to feel good. The orgasms were amazing, and they are by far and away the most pleasure I have ever felt - often lasting for 20 seconds or more involving my penis and my prostate/anus as...

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