Around a month or two ago I didn't have any particular 'pleasure' that was generated by the Aneros, but this has changed dramatically. I haven't masturbated for a while now, maybe a few weeks? I'm pretty sure it's had a really positive effect on my sessions, and on other aspects of my life. It's very easy for me to become aroused before I start a session. I can feel the sexual energy inside me. Every time I insert the aneros I...

I didn't think it was possible. I'm str-8 without a woman and 73 years old. I saw some videos on line and decided to take a chance trying the helix. When it came, I couldn't wait to try it out. I didn't expect much at all. So, after lubing I inserted it and was amazed how it just seemed to pulled in. I was thinking that perhaps nothing would happen, and if it did...

It has been a while since my last blog entry. As the days slip by one into another, I realize it's been four years since I started my aneros journey. I'm now quickly approaching 64; and, issues of aging and related health issues crowd close and tempt to overwhelm at times. This afternoon, I sit by my open office window --- feeling the Spring breeze upon my bare arms and face --- it's been a busy day...

So I'm not much of a blogger but these results I just had to share. I purchased my aneros about 4 years with limited success. I could get some movement going in the first month but didn't stick to close to the program. Because of the limited results I basically put my helix into a drawer and didn't think much about it. About 2 months ago I rediscovered the toy and thought, 'hey why not give it a try.' ...

I've had a couple of sessions this week and they have been brilliant. A couple followed the same pattern as the last session I blogged about. **Pleasure waves that grow in intensity as the session goes on, lots of pre-cum, intermittent and very intense erections. This mornings session was very nice. I got up early so I could have a few hours with the helix before university if I felt like it. Turns out I did! Good planning. 15 minutes after I...

-less Sessions - Lovely little gems. Up until lately, they've been involuntary and unpredictable. Well, had a few minutes of alone time this morning. I concentrated on my prostate and used sense memory to recall the bliss of a buzzing prostate. And, sure enough, the buzzing commenced and I had some lovely orgasms. I had never done that before. Guess what I'll be doing a lot more of now? :) Brian...

I apologize for the delay, We've been spending every spare minute since Cheetah got home making memories instead of logging them. I had been working with the Aneros on my own while she was away and I was becoming very accustomed to using it effectively. We stayed up into the wee hours of the morning talking and laughing. This is still a great form of foreplay for us. At 5:00 AM, I took her up to our fun room )we've got...

Friends, Yesterday, I had several hours of free/alone time. I took advantage, of course. Got all ready - manscaped, showered, shaved, hair cut )not part of my usual preparation, but nice(, cleaned out, lay myself down on the warm bed. I decided to relax for a bit before inserting. I did. But not for long. My rewired prostate began to tingle and buzz. I knew the -less experience was coming. And come it did! One of the best -less sessions I had...

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