• Wow!

    So I'm not much of a blogger but these results I just had to share.
    I purchased my aneros about 4 years with limited success. I could get some movement going in the first month but didn't stick to close to the program. Because of the limited results I basically put my helix into a drawer and didn't think much about it.
    About 2 months ago I rediscovered the toy and thought, 'hey why not give it a try.' Well tonight I'm writing because of my phenomenal results.
    Over the past 2 months I have gotten closer to many of the experiences described on this site with anal contractions, feeling of pleasure in my prostate, but no grand finish. That all changed when I read forum "The quick and dirty path to the super-O." After reading it and trying out the techniques I reached an orgasm that too me over the edge.
    My muscles began to spasm, my body locked up and then this amazing wave of pleasure washed me as I rocked in place. After my muscles had relaxed I laid back to marvel at the experience only to get hit by another orgasm!
    After that one subsided I rolled off the futon and squatted to catch my breath. As I was there I felt the same sensation and let my body take me to a third orgasm. I crawled on my back and watched as my penis engorged to a huge size as my whole body shook.
    Once this subsided I climbed back onto the futon for the final show of the night. As I lay there and felt the now familiar moving sensation I was hit by 4 more massive orgasm right back to back, the last of which forced the aneros out of my anus. Instead of deterring my body this only sent it into two more orgasms without the device even in.
    All I have to say is wow. This is an amazing product and I'm so glad I stuck with it! For those newbie out there don't give up, it is worth it!
    Thanks again to caveofmystery for the advice.

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