Hi there long time no blog! No blogging coz there was nothing much to tell. I have been in a bit of a rut really. The progasm Ice is nice and the helix has been king for long while. I had stopped working for a long while there but has been great for a long while now. Eupho really was doing nothing. Whats up with that, it was my favorite. I was given a second hand maximus, vice and peridise set. Sounds yucky I...

This is my very first entry to my new blog. So it'll be brief for now. I'm basically a solosexual that loves and worships my Cock. He's been my constant sex partner since I hit puberty. But I recently discovered he has competition. Thanks to continued experimentation with my first Aneros, I now realize I have a whole new sex organ -- my mancunt. I've enjoyed numerous mini-O's over the past few months, once I realized my Aneros was so...

TL;DR * Prostate finally felt - warm and tingly. * No touching or erotic audio/visuals. * Letting the body naturally shake engorges the sensations. * Realising and understanding the unique feelings when Aneros is in, as opposed to out. * Some positions worked better than others )Durr...

"The bird of paradise lands only on the hand that does not grasp." ~ John Berry I came across this quote on a Facebook post today and it seemed analogous to the rewiring journey upon which we all have embarked. I often use a similar story image when explaining this experience to new users when they struggle with "trying" to get somewhere in their journey. If you pursue a wild deer in hopes that you will pet it, or feed it, it will...

So I received the Syn-Helix only five days after I had got the Peridise set and could hardly wait to have a go with it in a late night session. Just holding it, it looked like it would be making more contact with everything, and I was visualizing how good it would feel fitted inside me. Was so eager to feel the added sensations the p-tab would have, and also the pivoting effect when the Helix...

The Aneros re-wiring process is a lot like learning to take quality photographs. Strictly follow a few simple rules and before you know it, you’re snapping photos that amaze your friends and family OR having mind-bending Super Orgasms! For the longest time all my Aneros sessions followed the re-wiring playbook verbatim. Especially once I reached the promised-land! No way I was going to mess with such a good thing! The same routine every time: Good preparation;...

5th, 6th and 7th sessions, no super-o just a strange feeling of like a barrier, where i can't get to an O but its very pleasurable. wonder what that point is i resisted 15min, then had to finish off by hand, orgasm was great ! lots of precum and cum...

After sleeping in late Sunday morning, I awoke feeling really good. For a brief moment, the thought of having a morning session flashed through my head, but after thinking about it a little more, decided I wasn't really feeling it. Remembering how the peridise had made me squirm the night before left me with that satisfied, contented, morning-after feeling. Although I was anxious for a repeat performance, I figured I might be better served to give myself...

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