• New toys. Maximus,Vice, Peridise set

    Hi there long time no blog!
    No blogging coz there was nothing much to tell.
    I have been in a bit of a rut really.
    The progasm Ice is nice and the helix has been king for long while. I had stopped working for a long while there but has been great for a long while now.
    Eupho really was doing nothing. Whats up with that, it was my favorite.
    I was given a second hand maximus, vice and peridise set. Sounds yucky I know but I cleaned them all thoroughly and boiled them for 45 minutes to kill any chance of STDs.
    I first tried maximus bigger than helix but smaller than progasm. I would have to say just right.
    Lots of movement and pwaves, it had me dribbling at hello.
    Vice. It was awkward to insert not like progasm ice but it then seemed to bounce around quite well.
    I then tried the vibrations oh god do they vibrate right up in there. It had me squirming yes but my session was slowed. It was massaging my prostate but the vibrations desensitised my prostate.
    The vibrations cause contractions but the advantage is drowned out by the vibration itself. So why bother?
    Peridise largest one i tried this after vice so not a fare judgment. I fell asleep with it in and it was working but not well. Will have to try it again by itself.
    While typing the maximus is back in We have a winner, I have not dribbled and had so many erection s in a session in a long time.


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      07/01/2013at8:21 pm

      Tried the Max for the first time today myself. Have to say it's a winner,big enough to fill me up yet small enough for good movement.It also stays put very well,even walking around.Good toy!

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      07/27/2013at8:23 am

      Yes and max is very comfortable too.

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