I can't believe that in 7 almost 8 months I have changed so much as a person from using my aneros devices. I remember Rumel talking about the phoneix rising from within you but he wasn't lying. It's like I have been reborn into this orgasmic care free utopia world that I don't want to leave. The air is beautiful and the scenery just makes you feel so peaceful. I can't believe that I didn't know about this great place...

Nothing says Super-O desperation like three devices in one session! I'm really kind of fed up right now, and it's effecting my sessions and overall attitude towards Aneros. Graduated from university this summer and I'm in that sickening, sludgy void of being unemployed. Want to be out of it as soon as I can. And then in terms of Aneros, now I have this weird tinge that I've been relying on it too much as a source of my happiness or joy....

Hi guys here again to tell a tell of my latest adventure with the magnificent progasm ice. I love that thing. I am really becoming a progasm slut and I'm ok with that lol. The way it fills me and hits my spot so hard but gentle all at the same time. It's mind boggling. Ok lets get into last night that ended this morning. So since I live with my parents my sessions can't start til there sleep. Well the...

Time is tapping on my shoulder and I have to be somewhere, so I'll make this quick. During my life thus far, I've had numerous dalliances with men of my own ilk and while some were satisfying many were not. However, it's the satisfying ones that I draw on from time to time as a trigger-point to enhance my sessions and indeed, my vivid imagination will take me back through the TIME TUNNEL of unique, pleasurable raw-lust. Last night was...

Hey guys. Glade to be back to tell you all about my trip with good ol' dad. Had to rest before hand the session before home really took a lot out of me. So to start off this blog me and dad left Thursday afternoon to make it to Tennessee by early Friday morning. Made it in at about 3 am. After a long drive we were both pooped and wanted to do nothing but check into the hotel and...

Last night I had a session just before I went to bed. I started off with the vice, but it really was going nowhere so I switched to the eupho and that got some very good sensations going. It was really just feeling really really pleasurable down in my groin/prostate areas, but nothing outside of that really developed. I was definitely feeling impatient though as I wanted more, and was not satisfied with this pleasure. So I finally switched...

So after much deliberation I went out this morning and bought myself a Helix. After everything I had read I was still hopeful that I would feel something incredible , unfortunately ...

So this weekend was a mixed bag. My partner was working overnight all weekend, so I had the nights to myself. I missed having him near me, but I was quickly distracted with all the aneros time I was able to have to myself. I ordered my eupho syn from amazon because it was cheaper. By accident, they sent me a Helix Syn. While I had originally wanted the eupho, I decided to keep the Helix and see about adding the...

Hey guys. I love that there is a blog section on this site. I like how I can check in and blog just about what I'm thinking or how I experienced something different in my sessions and need feed back. Well it's one of those times were I need a listening ear. So as you all know my dad is now on a Aneros journey. He has been riding for a few months and love the feelings he is getting. We...

Hello all. Well I'm back. I think. Had a session this morning before the parents got back and I'm still feeling it. lol Ok well let me try to explain two days of just pure bliss. I mean this was by far the best sessions I have ever had. Also thanks to all my brothers here who had wished me happy birthday. Trust me I had a very happy one. Ok so I was off work so I was with my...

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