• Vacation Sessions

    Hey guys. Glade to be back to tell you all about my trip with good ol' dad. Had to rest before hand the session before home really took a lot out of me. So to start off this blog me and dad left Thursday afternoon to make it to Tennessee by early Friday morning. Made it in at about 3 am. After a long drive we were both pooped and wanted to do nothing but check into the hotel and sleep. Dad booked a suite. A living room area and a room with two beds and a kitchen. I went straight to bed while dad took a shower. He had meetings all the next morning so I was gonna have the whole place to my self.
    Woke up Friday morning at 11 with a hard on. As usual. lol I went to do a quick wash up and dove my progasm right in. No time waisted. I begin to instantly feel waves run through my body. I found out that with the progasm my dick doest stay hard for very long. It gets erect during the session but not a full hard on for the whole thing. But I wasn't worrying about my dick at the time. My ass was stealing the show. Puckering and making all kinds of hot sounds as it contracted in and out of me. My nipples did how ever begin to rise and it felt like the air was leaving my body. I also noticed that by taking really deep breathes in and out really slowing it really intensifies the orgasm as it is rising.
    Oh it felt so damn good. Wave after wave after waves. I was pouring so much pre cum. The pillows were thrown off the bed and the sheets were all wet. I was really enjoying this beautiful moment. I was moaning so loud. I'm pretty sure I became some one's wake up alarm. But for some strange reason that turned me on. Me getting caught with my progasm stimulating me good and moaning like a submissive bitch was so hot to me. Like if the cleaning maid was a hot older guy coming to bring fresh sheets and he sees me in the nude just having the time of my life and he just watches me not making a peep and I just slightly see him and invite him over for some fun. Oh just thinking about that has got me hard.
    But I remembered dad put the do not disturb sign up. DAMN. Anyway with or without a admirer watching I was still orgasming like crazy. Rubbing my legs and breathing just right making this utopia feeling even greater. I finished that three hour session with a nice HFWO. It came out of nowhere and came everywhere. I drank up my juices and went for a nap with the progasm still in me. I was tired.
    Woke up around 5pm. with cum still soaking the sheets and my skin. While in the shower dad was just walking in the room. He looked so beat. But he was here for work. As he chilled I ordered dinner. Dad said while its just him and me we can be nudist like how we were suppose to be. So were just lounging in our rooms and dad begins to open up again about his past and anal play. I now know things that I have to take to my grave but it's cool. He trusted me be confiding in me and I feel pleased about that.
    He told me that he has always been into dudes. He said he lost his virginity to a dude. SHOCKER! I'm think then why are you married. He then to tell me that the women he's been with have been special beings that he was suppose to be with. Thats why there has bee very few. My mom and two other women. He said that when he met my mom she was and still is the most beautiful woman he had ever saw. She had long hair and a banging body. He was a shy guy when it came to girls so when she approached him he knew she was the one. The last one. They dated for 2 years and then marriage and a family.
    I asked him since she was his last girl has he met his last guy. He didn't have a answer. He told me that he always vowed to never leave or cheat on the women he was with with a guy. He has kept that. But the urges has been getting really strong these last couple of years. I saw the change in his tone. Like he was battling with his attraction to men. I asked him is that why he was so afraid to come to me. He thought that I would tell mom and she would leave him. I reassured him that everything he told me would stay only with me. He did say that he is sexually content. Ew. I laughed to break the ice and to calm him down.
    But he also told me that he gets pretty hard when he sees a hot guy walking. He works at a university you get my drift. Thats why he likes riding at work. His mind can go crazy there lol. So I'm thinking thats why he was so excited when I came out. He knows how it feels to be attracted to men. He also informed me that aneros were not the only toys he had. He pulled out this suite case and my eyes popped out my head when I saw the treasure. There were two flesh-lights, a vice yes a aneros vice, to many cock rings to count. Three dildo's, a full bottle of oil lol, some of the hottest gay porn dvd's that you ever wanted to see. I thought I had hit gay heaven. lol
    But the dildo's kind of made me think. So I just asked him, "dad are you vers?". He just honestly and loudly said yes. OK. So I have a Bi sexual versatile dad who is just a big of a freak then I am. I'm ok with that. I turned on the dvd player in the room popped in a hot porn, me and dad lubed up and I grabbed my progasm and a flesh light and he had a cock ring, vice and flesh light.
    We were really into that porn. I mean all you heard from us were moans, and wetness from all the movement that was going on from our dicks. I mean from that session along I came 4 times and I know he shot off a few him self. Sweating and shouting and nipple grabs. (not each others our own. nothing insestual was going on) I mean he wasn't my dad while were together he was my friend who was just as freaky and nasty as me. After the porn went off I wanted to try his dildo's. I got in my bed and he got in his. I stuck the 9 inch sucker up there an it made me miss having a boy friend.
    While were both riding dildo's he asked me do I fantasize about people and I said all the time. Well he wanted to tell a story and he wanted me all ears. So he told me to leave my dick alone and just move up and down on the dildo and try to relax. Now he;s giving me pointers lol. He told me a story about a hot guy in college he got to know personally. It was his chemistry partner junior year of college. He told me that he use to tutor the guy and in refunds he would service my dad with dick. This might sound nasty and it might be breaking rules but I wanted to hear about my dad being pounded. He was 9 in so thats why all his dildo's are that size. He told me how he would go slow at first and then speed up to til a huge explosion would happen. We started off slow but as the story picked up were rode faster and faster and faster and BOOM. We both had HFWO's. I mean it was magical. Some might think oh your so wrong and how could you. Shut up. We didn't fuck or suck so save it. It was beautiful in my eyes. I went to sleep with no shower with helix in place and drifted off to la la land. Dad had meetings saturday to so that was our only ride together. But I rode on the ride home. Whew. I didn't tell dad I was but had to pull over once to shoot a load. Excuse I used was I had to pee. lol. He didn't buy it. As soon as I made it back tot eh car he asked me was it worth it and I just smiled and nodded yes and slept the rest of the trip with my helix in my pocket couldn't handle that much pleasure. So in all I had a really great time with dad.

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