)Warning: the first part of this is sort of dry. The last three paragraphs are the ones things get deeper and more interesting.( I've had two sessions since I got my first additions to my Aneros collection. I've used both in the same pattern as it turns out. I got the two set of Peridise and have used the larger one to begin and end each session. I've used the Helix in the middle. The results...

Yesterday I did my sixt session. Mostly I practice every fourth day so that there are 3 full days between a session. Often this fails because I have no time or aren't in the mood. So I had two weeks of abstinence between my last two sessions. And I experienced the benefits of that! What this was I will describe a few lines later. The first (right done) Aneros session I did, I experienced a Super-T (wrote a blog entry to that)....

Comment during chat session other day got me thinking: "I love how we contain our bursting sexual mayhem when ordering coffee at Starbucks." On the way to work. Standing in line at the Buck for morning cup ‘o 4-buck joe. Squirming in my business suit as my buried Progasm ICE is works me over. I’m trying not to show it, but I’m melting inside out. I’m next in line, just a little longer! The Progasm’s...

It is usually the case with me that when I set out to learn something I wind up learning so much more about something else in the process. When I began this sexual journey the goal was to learn about female sexuality and sexual response. In the process I have not only learned so much more about my own sexuality but I have expanded it as well. Ultimately I have pushed my orgasmic response and my experience of sexual...

I hadn't been blogging about recent events. Things had progressed real well in the past week. I had my first experience with Super O's only 8 days into my journey. One probably lasted 3 minutes. I was overcome with pleasure and whimpering "Oh my god" over and over. It wasn't quite like what I had in mind. It's easy to say you'll put expectations aside, but it's hard to actually prevent any kind of...

From the Guide To Prostate Sex, at http://ambigendered.blogspot.com/p/how-to.html. As I recounted in the first post in this series, it took me several years after I first discovered prostate orgasms until I learned to be able to have them on a regular basis. But what exactly is a prostate orgasm? For that matter, what exactly is an orgasm? It is important to understand, first of all, that, even in men,* orgasm is different from ejaculation. It is possible for a man to ejaculate...

From the Guide To Prostate Sex, at http://ambigendered.blogspot.com/p/how-to.html. I don't remember when I discovered anal play or what led me to it. I've always enjoyed fucking my girlfriends in the butt, though I've only rarely had the pleasure. What I don't recall is when or how I discovered how the pleasure to be had from my own butt being fucked. I would prefer to have a )female( partner do me, but only on a few occasions have I been privileged to have...

Hi guys. Here again to tell one of my crazy nights on this aneros journey. This one will be all over the place so bare with me. lol Ok I was in the chat a couple of days and were decussing our emotions as we ride and afterwards and how different we all are as men since using this great product. We were all imputing and talking about how now a few of use my shed a few tears as...

Hi guys, We had several days earlier this week with frigid weather. I had to end several sessions then prematurely because it was so cold in my apartment. I do not know if it was Thursday or yesterday Friday. But either of those days, I was working with Helix Syn in a really wonderful way. Towards the end of my session with Helix Syn, I used the doggie style and just let this model massage my hole with subtle anal contractions which...

Just read Ligaman's terrific erotic entry of January 7th, and responded as follows: ["Lingham - DUDE! What a beautiful and erotic post. Surely the giving of pleasure is a most satisfying amplifier of the giver's own bliss on our journey to ecstasy. I firmly believe sex is a god-given gift, meant to convey spiritual truth, and to put ecstasy well within the reach of each of us. However, as a glue in intimate relationships, particularly the intimacy in our conjugal...

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