• Erotic Cock Massage

    It is usually the case with me that when I set out to learn something I wind up learning so much more about something else in the process. When I began this sexual journey the goal was to learn about female sexuality and sexual response. In the process I have not only learned so much more about my own sexuality but I have expanded it as well.
    Ultimately I have pushed my orgasmic response and my experience of sexual pleasure almost to the limits of my ability to cope with it.
    I have become so much more aware of my sexual proclivities and the nature of my sexual desire . Most importantly I have really enhanced my sense of the erotic and sensual.
    One of the things that I have learned to do is to relax, perceive and give in to the sensations that my body can create. If my mind is still and my body is relaxed I can experience erotic pleasure that I never knew of previously and savor it like a rich burgundy or the silky sweetness of fine chocolate. One of the most intimate and intensely pleasurable experiences is the giving and receiving of erotic massage.
    So for all you ladies here is what I have learned and taught J about how to give me the most exquisite and ball draining perineal and cock massage.
    In those 5 square inches of real estate between the base of my balls and my rectum is a wonderful erotic playground that is capable of producing divine pre orgasmic sensation.
    I have read books instructing guys to do perineal massage on their own bodies but I have found that in order to feel the most pleasure I need to be totally relaxed and focused on sensations; if I am working on myself it is too much of a distraction. Having J do me is a bonding experience as well as being erotic as all hell.
    Gently massaging my perineum greatly relaxes and wakens my entire sexual system. Gently stroking my perineum as she caresses my balls induces a deep sense of well being and profound arousal; my cock will turn into a steel rod and my prostate will swell and harden as she does it.
    This sounds contradictory that I can be aroused and relaxed but it is one of the things I have learned. Being relaxed and aroused allows me to be mindful of sexual sensation and thereby experience it fully as it blossoms and unfolds.
    Gently massaging my perineum for a period of time causes the blood flow to my cock and prostate to increase, my pulse to slow, and my blood pressure to decrease; at the same time I lose all sense of everything around me except for the sensations that are consuming me. When J does a slow languid perineal massage on me, I melt.
    The reason that this duality occurs is that the nerves running to my equipment run through my perineum. A gentle perineum massage increases circulation around all of these nerves, wakes them up and makes my mind focus on them. These highly sensitive parts of my sexual structure never got the pleasure of being stimulated directly until we started doing these massages on me.
    A gentle massage of my perineum can be one of the most pleasurable experiences that J does for me except for a tantric cock massage. My perineum, penis, balls, prostate and anus are all interconnected and interwoven with millions of delicately sensitive nerve endings, which can yield sensations that wrap around my body when they are stroked. Beyond nerves and muscles, over one third of my cock is buried inside my body directly under and behind my balls. The base of my )hidden( penis and my penile bulb )underneath it( are also part of the massage experience.
    As powerful as physical stimulation might be, it pales when compared to the immeasurably greater psychological or mental high I get from getting a perineal massage from J. The very notion of being placed naked in such a vulnerable position, with J naked before me loving my cock , balls and anus intimately in this sexual non orgasmic way results in a powerful mental rush, for both of us.
    As a guy I am trained and programmed to control the sexual experience and to pursue orgasm both physically and mentally. This experience is different. I had to learn to allow myself to be placed in an unaccustomed submissive role, and put orgasm out of my mind but focus on pure sensual pleasure instead.
    I mentioned that J is naked when we do this. I highly recommend it having your partner be naked. It amplifies the eroticism of the moment exponentially. When I am laying there naked with my legs parted with one hand cradling my balls and the other stroking me I am hard in an instant. When I am looking into her eyes as she gently studies and stimulates this intimate part of me, I feel very intimately connected with her; a deep spirituality washes over me. It feels so exquisitely sensual and erotic it is a true gift. It is hotter than hell to see )and feel( my loose balls and stone hard cock in her delicate feminine hands as well.
    I have tried all different positions for this intimate experience. Of all the ones I have tried I prefer a laid back reclining position with my back raised off the floor and supported by large firm pillows at about a 30 degree angle. I pull my knees up in the direction of my chest and angle my legs outward. This position is comfortable for me, as well as allowing J an unobstructed view and unfettered access to my anus, perineum and penis.
    Often times we will do this on the floor with J sitting cross legged between my legs.
    As a way to relax me, she usually begins by massaging my abdomen, inner thighs and belly button. The area around my belly button is very sensitive especially when combined with massage of the area around my cock and anus. My experience is that initially, the impulse to close my eyes is overwhelming as the massage progresses; but it is exponentially more intimate, arousing and pleasurable for me if I maintain eye contact with her while her hands are working me.
    When she deeply strokes the area between my anus and balls with her finger tips, she feels a sort of wide rope or cable like ligament going right up the middle of my perineum. That is the first thing that J massages when you she does me. She starts right near my anus. She will locate that cable right under my skin. She will have an ample supply of moisturizing hand cream nearby. We use hand cream because it softens my skin and makes it more sensitive to touch.
    She will place her fingers from both her hands on either side of this “rope” gently touching each other. She then presses gently and moves her fingers left to right over this “rope”. The skin will move with her fingers. She will alternate this with stroking that follows its ridge pressing in tenderly. She will massage me for as long as she wants and as long as I can stand it; it is arousing in a huge way. I will be breathing deeply and focusing on the gentle tugging sensation that results.
    She will work her way up towards my balls and cock repeating the massaging in the new location.
    Two thirds of the way to my balls this “cord” goes into a little depression. Eastern sexual masters called this many names, but in all the programs I have been through and everything I have read this is called the million dollar spot. If I am erect and J very gently presses and massages me there with the pad of her thumb I can feel the zing go through my prostate, penis and anus. Zen masters teach the use of this spot as a way to control and circulate chi, stop the loss of cum during sex and to balance energy in the lower half of the body. For me it just feels incredibly good to have it massaged. On the other side of the million dollar spot the cord becomes more diffuse and less prominent.
    Although the perineum muscles and most of the nerve bundle end at my scrotum, there are important sexual nerves continue all way to the tip of my cock. As a result, when J is gently tugging and rubbing the “cord” I feel the pressure around my anus and along the length of my cock. I get a very pleasant sensation around and under my cockhead if I can relax and give into the sensation. It is a sparkling – tingling feeling that causes my pulse to quicken and my anus to clench. It usually becomes hard for me to breathe deeply at this point. I usually have to struggle to release the contraction and maintain deep even breathing to maximize the sensation.
    J and I have experimented with the sensation of all of these pathways on my shaft and cockhead with her teasing and stroking my cock and abdomen with her fingertips and me guiding her by making comments and sighs.
    She will continue this massage all the way up over my balls and to just under my cockhead. I have a tendency to stream pre cum in profuse amounts when I am aroused. At this point I am usually drooling a stream.
    Many times when we do this she will continue the massage to my anus, applying well lubricated firm pressure all around my opening. It is a sensation that can only be described as riveting and very arousing. My opening will usually flutter to the delicate touch of her fingers, which also will make my cock lurch and drool more pre cum. It is not the goal but it usually expected that when we do this, it will end with me cumming. J loves to watch me hurl ropes of cream, and I really like performing for her.
    When I sense that I want to cum I will tell her. Then with deep, relaxed breathing I surrender and sink deeper into relaxation. J’s attention will now leave my undercarriage and go to my balls, shaft and cockhead. I repeat that as pleasure builds, the tendency for most guys is to hold our breath. Deep breathing oxygenates blood and feeds sex organs giving them the energy they need to produce the deep bliss that they are capable of.
    I force myself to keep filling my lungs and exhaling fully. As I do I can feel the firm hard throbbing of my arousal building in my prostate. She will pour a small quantity of cream on my cock and balls. She will then begin gently massaging my balls, holding them in her hand and warming them, causing them to descend into her caress. She will gently stroke the back side of my balls. She will then finger my seminal vesicles inside my sac on top of my balls. Ever so gently she will stroke them with her middle finger while she holds my balls in her hand to warm them and keep them descended. . She knows I love to have my sac massaged causing it to relax in her hand. Some eastern masters call this the nest of trust.
    I love to have her hands cradling this very vulnerable and intimate part of me. As a guy I am supposed to be tough and macho, but this part of me is so tender and delicate it belies the rugged masculinity that I ret to project in my daily life. I give her this vulnerable part of me to cherish and relish. It is one of the deeply spiritual aspects of this massage.
    She will then massage the area above the base of my cock, on my pubic bone at the same time she is cradling my balls. Just above my pubic bone she will firmly push down on the soft tissue above the bone on my lower abdomen. This will put ever so slight pressure on my prostate deep inside me.
    She will then tease me by rubbing around the base of my cock and avoid touching my shaft. Then slowly she works from my pubic bone up my shaft stopping just short of my cockhead. She will take her time as she languidly massages my shaft. She will vary the speed and pressure; gently she will squeeze it at the base with her right hand, and pull up stretching it up as she slides off. She will then alternate with her left hand. She will take her time doing this, right, left, right, left, etc. This will fill my cock with blood and harden it to its maximum ability. The harder my cock is the more sensitive to touch it is so she will do this for as long as she likes, the longer the better. She usually guages it by how desperate she sees me to be. I will stiffen my body, tremble and gasp as the pleasure builds. We always look into each others eyes , that is the sexiest part of this, the mindfulness of it.
    When she knows she wants to make me cum, she will apply more cream to her hands and wrap a hand around my cockhead. Then, she will change the direction by starting the squeeze at the head and then sliding down and off onto my pubic bone, alternating with right and left hands. She will keep her thumbs extended and parallel to my shaft so that the pad of her thumb rides over his frenulum, or the cleft on the underside of my cockhead. This is my orgasmic trigger. Also sensitive on me is the opening of my cock, at the tip. She will tease that gently and open it as she does.
    By this time I am desperate to cum and I will tell her as graphically as I can. Usually at this point it is very vulgar and very graphic which turns us both on. My cockhead will be tingling as if electric sparks are dancing all over the tip. My prostate will be fully engorged and will be wrapped in deep orgasmic need to hurl its load.
    She will respond by hold the shaft of my cock still in her hand and using her thumb to massage little circles on my frenulum. With her other hand she cradles my balls, and holds them. As I get close to cumming my balls will try and retreat into my body, she will hold them and keep them out. This will inhibit my ejaculation and make it stronger when it happens.
    The goal here is to not make me cum but rather to let it happen. She doesn’t stroke me or hurry me but rather she massages this most sensitive part of me. The sensation at this point is like I am being set of fire from the inside. At this point my cockhead will be dark purple, large and full and swollen.; my cockhead turns purple when I am really aroused.
    The build up to orgasm from this is very slow for me. It is indeed an agonizing pleasurable sensation as it builds. I will mumble, tremble and verbalize what I am feeling to her. Relaxation at this point is impossible; all my energy is focused on the searing hot ecstasy that is holding onto my cock and boring into my asshole. In my mind I envision climbing a long set of stairs, each step bringing me closer and closer to rapture. In the moments just before I spew my cum, my insides quiver as the tension of desperate tantalizing pleasure tingles and inflames me until I feel like I am going to burst. Then I do; I unleash a flow of sheer hot, wet, thick sexual sensation. It is truly agonizing ecstasy.
    The longer the build up to orgasm is the deeper of a euphoric state I will succumb to, the more flow I will have and harder I will spew.
    When she combines a lengthy perineal massage with a languid, slow and sensual massage of my cockhead with the intent of encouraging me to cum, the resulting ejaculation is agonizingly intense and incredibly hard; an hour long perineal massage that ends with slow tantalizing and loving massage of my cock produces the thickest, most copious ropes of cum and the most intense ejaculatory orgasms I can have.
    When the cum erupts, it is usually not in spurts but in an extended stream that literally looks like I am pissing a thick white rope. The longer the massage the more intense pleasure it produces. I can feel my insides being gripped, squeezed and literally pumped out in ecstatic waves.
    When it is done I am wasted. Done properly this brings such deep relaxation that I will fall asleep on the floor if I don’t get into bed fairly quickly.
    For me the ultimate time to have a perineal massage and orgasmic massage is after I have had a lengthy MMO session the preceding day or days. The combination of sensitizing me and juicing up my prostate by having dry orgasms produces ejaculatory orgasms that are incredibly hard.
    I have expanded my physical – sexual response but more than the sheer physical response it is my ability to be mindful and aware of what my body is doing that makes the sensation so intense. It is as much in my mind as it is in my cock. It is also my wonderful lady who helps me get to this wonderful place.

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