• No Sleep

    Hi guys. Here again to tell one of my crazy nights on this aneros journey. This one will be all over the place so bare with me. lol Ok I was in the chat a couple of days and were decussing our emotions as we ride and afterwards and how different we all are as men since using this great product. We were all imputing and talking about how now a few of use my shed a few tears as we let go and let that passion control our emotions and movements. I have once burst into tears as i rode cuase the pleasure was so unbarrable that i didnt want it to stop.
    It varies with everyone. but since I'm rewired so much has happened to me emotionly that I was not ready for. But I am up for this challenge and journey and here to show my real true self. Also yesterday Rumel mentioned to us that Aneros is just helping us express our selves better. It was all hidden away. It's like Aneros is a key that in due time unlocks these treasures inside us that feel so great.
    In saying that I had the time of my life yesterday. I had the chance to ride most of the day with my progasm ice. My parents were out visiting friends so i had the whole crib to myself. I was so excited. I got freakier and did things very risky but i was so horny and turned on that I really didn't care.
    I lubed up and took me and my toy to the living room. There was a roaring fire going and that just gave me this very erotic feeling to just get butt naked and play right there in the open space. Not caring if I got caught or anything. I had my ipod playing very erotic sounds in my ear as I rode in ure extasy. I moaned and just felt so awesome. I had one hands free orgasm and then jerked off the other one. I was so spent but wanted more. I cleaned up my mess and headed back upstairs. Walking around naked is so freeing. Balls and dick swinging fro left to right oh such a great feeling.
    So I hoped in the shower to clean off the smut & sweat & cum off of me. As I'm cleaning I decided to start fingering my hole. Oh It felt so good as if the session I just had wasn't enough. I said I wanted more so I reached for my progasm ice off the sink and stuck him back in. Riding in the shower with a toy was a first for me. I almost fell a few times cause of the shaking knee's from all the dry orgasms i was having. I let out some of the most sexiest moans and crys out of passion. I was weak. I some how had enough energy to turn the shower off and and slowly walk back to my bed room with the progasm still in me.
    As I'm standing there rying off i get hit with this huge energy ball of passion up my spine. It's likegetting shot but no bullet wound or blood. I held on to a close by chair til the passion cascaded out of me. But it wasn't going anywhere soon. I just stood there perched as I got auto fucked standing up. The tears rolled down my right cheek as my body continued to have orgasm after orgasm. I finally just took it out I couldn't take any more.
    So fast forward to 12 at night. Bedtime. Since its been snowing every other day and the weather continue to drop i sleep in pj's, brief underwear & a tank top. Well as soon as I got comfy more energy began to sun through my body. I was really tired but my prostate wanted to play. I was to tired to reach for a toy so i just had a less. But you couldn't even tell the differnce. After the first orgasm I ended up butt ass naked in my bed with the covers thrown on the floor. Mind you it was 12 degree's here in my city last night. But I didn't care. I eventually got to sleep but ever so couple of minutes i would get woke up with a hard throbbing pre cumming dick ready to dry orgasm again and again. I finally got to sleep at 6 this morning. I'm so drianed but it felt so good. So yeah. I think I need another break. I came 6 times yesterday and i cant count how many dry ones i had.

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