Linghaman A Sensual Man Throughout this blog I make reference to my transformation and rewiring as a result of gaining the skill and focus to experience multiple prostate orgasms. This biological – psychological ability has had a very profound impact on me. Indeed the transformation has been both physical and mental. I am not sure nor was I ever sure what being bi-sexual means. I can’t really say that I am bisexual. I am definitely sensually...

This entry will be very different. Some of you may not know but my dad also is a aneros user. He has had it for about 5 months now. He has the Progasm Ice and he loves it. There's a blog I wrote on how he discovered them and me using it and how he got hooked to the toy and why he even likes anal play. We were suppose to be going on one of his business trips this weekend....

Very nice session this morning on the office love seat. Put the leather ring with a vibe underneath my balls. Used the vibe from my Naughty Boy. It has 7 speeds.Inserted the Vice, laid back and put on the blindfold. I had sounds going from Milovana For the first 20 minutes I did not touch my cock. I got the two vibes pulsing opposite each other and reached down to stroke. I was pleasantly surprised at the firm erection I...

I have better understanding of the relaxed and aroused mentality that others have posted. Thursday night after I did some prep and warm up and one good puff of some good herb, I laid on the couch with my legs draped over the arm and got comfortable. The hour that followed was full of contractions and body tensing and got myself thoroughly simulated to a point where my body was just buzzing and I could just lie there and...

The other day a few guys in chat challenged me to express my wifes experience of orgasm in a blog post. So based on some recent love making sessions ...

I experimented today with something different. I started with a normal session, that lasted for about an hour. I started off with muscle contractions only while watching a video which gets me aroused. After 10-15 minutes, I started mild thrusts, which then built up to stronger ones. After 30-40 minutes I was thrusting hard until I would start to quiver non-stop without thrusting for a bit, then I would start thrusting again until the quivering/contractions started. I did this for the...

After two weeks of sessions with the Vice at least twice a week and a month worth of sessions with two other prostate massagers ,the Rocks Off's Big Boy & Naughty Boy, I am noticing firmer erections during sex or other masturbation activities. My prostate also feels better and emptier for lack of a better term to use. My orgasms are fuller with larger amounts of semen as well. The intensity of a normal ejaculation is twice what it was...

After my last two sessions with my progasm ice, I was eager to see if there would be any changes with my syn. I lubed up and inserted for an overnight session. That's one thing I cannot do with the Ice. It felt good going in, and as usual it felt very good as I walked around and up-and-down the stairs during normal activities. I fell asleep with it in me and twice during the night...

This was just a regular day in chat and me and my bro's just conjured up a four way energy sharing a-less ride together. [15:13:43] Canacan: ‹@BigGlansDC› i am having an amazing aless myself [15:13:51] BigGlansDC: @euphemistic, such powerful thoughts for a Aless session [15:13:59] BigOluver: im not even kegeling i was just breathing slowly hmmmm [15:14:09] euphemistic: ‹@Canacan› IDK the center of pleasure just moves to where I focus. [15:14:09] twlltin: ‹@BigGlansDC› nice [15:14:36] Canacan: ‹@euphemistic› yeah thats it i think [15:14:40] BigGlansDC: Wow, @BigOluver, that...

So I am on this journey of no ejaculation or cumming for 21 days. I am on day 9 and I really want to cum. They say your not suppose to touch your self but I have been cheating. Yes teacher he's been grabbed. lol I love to edge. I have actually become a master of the technique and not cumming. I love that I can get my self all the way to the edge of the cliff and then...

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