I got home late last night form a business trip, whilst away I was hoping for some nice relaxed sessions with my growing family of Aneros's. Unfortunately things didn't go to plan because my work colleagues were placed on the same floor of the hotel. I tried a few sessions but couldn't get to a Super-O, I had lots of lovely sensations and the sessions were enjoyable, in the end I resorted to my second favourite pass time, sounding! What happened...

Dear blog, I haven't written anything for some time now. Summer was filled with activities and my libido has been low from time to time. After my last blog update I got into semen retention and managed to keep from ejaculating for at least three weeks in a row. I forgot the day count but counting days is not important anyway. It is good to regularly release the different seminal fluids and I decided to try prostate milking. I bought a Njoy...

Session two with my shiny new Progasm Ice was a day after the first (see blog below). I started off pretty much as I always do, douche, shower, software porn, relax on the bed in a warm room. From the moment of insertion I could feel the pressure on my prostate, this got me thinking, what would happen if I started spinster and PC muscle contractions way sooner than I normally do? So thats what I did, ten to fifteen minuets...

Yesterday the mailman brought me a package, a box containing a very shiny and sleek and sexy looking Progasm Ice, I've shied away from this model for many years thinking that when it comes to Aneros's smaller is better. I was keen to take my first ride with this beautiful looking toy and wasted no time preparing everything I'd need for a session, lube and applicator, Vaseline, laptop for browsing porn, headphones to cancel out any distractions, I then showered and...

Circumstances around a business trip meant no Aneros play for me for a few weeks. I'm back at base now and sessions have resumed. Session 1 - I arrived at this session with completely the wrong mindset, my head was in the wrong place. I rushed into the session not allowing myself to get 'in the mood'. I was far too hasty and my expectations were far too high, not that the session was a dud, anything but. There were P-waves and...

I haven’t had a good ride in about a year and a half, I wasn’t even that horny, but the INSTANT I put it in, it floored me. I fell to my knees overpowered by this immediate wave of pleasure. Barely made it to my bed, but when I got there it got REALLY good, REALLY fast. The auto-fucking was so effortless and so consistent I just laid there and took it. Suddenly felt like everything around my rectum started...

So yesterday I felt like I needed a session. I used the Eupho syn trident for a while. It felt nice, but it wasn't doing much for me. I felt like I needed a change, so I got out the MGX trident. There was an immediate improvement. I could feel it vibrating. It felt pretty good. After a while I seemed to hit a plateau. I decided to switch to the Helix trident. I've had it for a while, but until...

My second attempt was a total a dud. Insertion was easy (again) but then nothing. I realized that all my reading has left me confused. Some say the secret is all about total relaxation, or meditative breathing, or a sense of calmness so you can listen to your body. Other's stress the importance of arousal. Those two are polar opposites for me. The one thing they do have in common perhaps is focus. I can imagine "focus" coming from a...

Some history and context: I first heard about Aneros about a year ago. I was very intrigued but did not purchase a product at that time. About a week ago, I came across it again and decided to order the MGX Sun Trident. While I was waiting for my order to arrive I found the blog and wiki pages and spent a couple of hours every day reading and learning about the product. The volume of educational resources is very...

I was wondering when i have my sesssion after a while my penis gets warm and almost feels like its going to explode but feels amazing and in some sessions i cant get past this is there anything that would help me push over the edge or will patience lead me to the super o...

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