The short version, keep at it and be patient! TL:DR )but really do( Plenty of excitement! The MGX Aneros has arrived and I am alone at home today! I can explore without interruption. Tearing into the package I quickly read the instructions and take note of cleaning the unit and the suggested position and movements. Ok, NEXT!! I happened to just recently buy a cleaning bulb so I did the deed in preparation for my session. The bed is all set, my towel is...

TL;DR: * Standing sensitises the prostate * Walking around helped a lot * Lightly jogging really helped a lot * Touching nipples carefully to complement * Openly allow erotic thoughts to flow via prostate massage * Vocal moaning = important * But -> embarrassing and noisy :) * Train of thought derails * Thought train blasts off at uncontrollable speeds * Urge to cum nears Well, damn. I thought it was the end of the journey for me, and searching for other goals would keep me entertained. My pleasures and sensations were...

Just before my first experience - a bit about me. I figure I will attempt to outline my initial experience as I go. Good or bad, here it shall be. To sum up - I have had very basic anal play. Nothing like the MGX. I am a very sexual person. I've dated one person my entire life and we are still together 11 years now. (No marriage, just trusting life partners.)...

Hi guys, What a difference of 32 hours downtime from Aneros can have! Yesterday morning which was my fifth straight session in as many days nearly did me in! My trusty Aneros tools didn't produce their usual magic on me as usually. It was just the law of diminishing returns. I came away yesterday morning's session worn out. And combined with the bitterly cold weather, I found myself taking one long nap after another. The only consolation I received was terrifically...

Hi guys, I find that my Aneros sessions go much better when I do them absolutely first thing in the morning after getting up from my night's sleep. I am at my freshest, most well-rested, and alert state, making for really good sessions which have been the rule the last couple months. For the title of this blog entry, I use the expression of "deeper and deeper, subtle and delicate" Aneros focus. For this type of focus, a "do nothing" approach is...

I have not done an entry here in quite a while, but I just came off of one of the most exquisite sessions that I have had in a long time. I decided to commit the experience to writing because just yesterday I was chatting with someone in here on the magnetic pull that my desire exerts on my body. When my desire sings in my thoughts I am weak, I cannot ignore it. I have lined...

Most Enjoyable Session So Far Like many others I m seeing less progress than I had hoped for with my Aneros. Especially recently in the last 2 months I have become disheartened, feeling less than when I first started Anerising at the beginning of this year. Even though I tried to have 2-4 sessions a week, most of which were full overnight sessions. A break of three weeks for holidays has seen me eager to rekindle my relationship with my Helix...

Hi guys, I had an enjoyable session early yesterday morning using the models above. Everything went well through Tempo. However I had a big bowel movement coming on afterwards which forced me to use my bathroom. That event preempted using Progasm Ivory. Nevertheless, I enjoyed sweet Aless for hours afterward. So I was thinking of having an early evening session last night with MGX which I hadn't used in a very long time, followed by Maximus, Tempo, and Progasm Ivory. Some...

What else is there to do once someone has been rewired? My brain still wants to set goals and reach them — perhaps that was my biggest draw to Aneros all along. So for me it's almost instinctively to…precum. Odd, one might say. All that ever does is create a mess, for most. That's true — but for a year or two now, I keep checking my dick for any substance during orgasms, like there's a missing piece. It doesn't feel...

Hi guys, For a good three weeks or longer during October just past, I didn't have an Aneros session. Things had come up which prevented me from having a session. Plus it started getting really cold after Columbus Day holiday weekend. However, Aless continued unabated, although the intensity of Aless had gotten lesser and lesser as the weeks elapsed. But boy, I really wanted to restart my Aneros sessions once again! My body craved it! Finally last Friday on October 31...

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