I couldn't sleep someone has affected my concentration. But, I want to experience distraction. I start by inserting my other toy of choice, my penis plug. It stimulates me to just above flaccid. I also choose to begin with my Eurpho Syn, we join, we are one, we move, we dance. He's still there. Eurpho is oh so quietly tickling my prostate and a hint of p-waves touch my anus. I relax, a few more waves move me, Eurpho responds....

I continue my quest with more than one of these toys of pleasure, tonight the mighty Maximus and the gentler yet no less mighty Progasm. In this journey my libido has definitely affected my multiple ride sessions. I've enjoyed the normal chat room conversations each evening and blogged following new discoveries. This evening was no different joining in the open chat room for a bit. I received a private chat request and let's just say the conversation ended with pleasurable liquidity....

In one of my earlier blogs I mentioned I have a kinky side. Being kinky at times allows a different combination of toys during a session. I’ve started using penis plugs for fun and looks. So, I thought I would continue my multiple toy session idea. This time I would combine the penis plug with my Vice. The penis plug immediately stimulates where, as does the Vice with its vibrator. So, I removed the vibrator to let the Vice fill and...

I'm pretty experienced in the anal thing and with some tantric and yoga behind me have good kegel contractions. The Helix Classic isn't doing much and I know I can handle a lot more. What are people's thoughts on the Maximus v. Progasm. Would love some feedback....

So I have had about 20 sessions since I have started my glorious journey with Aneros products and I feel it's time to share some of my personal findings! Sit back and relax, I will probably be as wordy as I ever am! Enjoy! I'm not sure where to start this exactly so I will talk it out as I go, I guess =D If you have kept up with my previous blog posts you will get an idea of where I...

In the Chat Room last evening I told of the session I was going to experiment with. We related it to a military interrogation process. I wanted to see how my prostate would react to more than one Anernos toy during an extended period of time. It was joked I may confuse my prostate, and actually that’s what I wanted to see if I could. I decided I would let the toys run the show, they would decide how long...

Hi guys, It is hard to believe that I bought my first Aneros models nearly three years ago in late December 2011. They were the MGX, Helix Classic, and Progasm Classic. When I opened the packages and surveyed those models, I became scared because they seemed so HUGE. How could I even insert them into my anus? So they sat unused for a good six months, until I used Aneros Syn early Sunday evening June 3, 2012. I was an absolute...

Yes, I have seven Aneros toys now. Can't get too much of a good thing people say and the Vice proves that for sure. I limited my trial run to 20 minutes because he is soooo intense. I've already decided this is a special occasion friend when I want that extra sweet touch. I prepared by cleaning out and laying all the necessary lubrication nearby. I let myself relax to a point of being near sleep but, still awake enough to...

Maximus and I spent some time together last night spooning. Since I use a CPAP I sleep deeply and restfully. This morning I could feel intimate movement within as he stirred within me moving my sphincter to caress him. What an experience my CPAP pairs my breathing patterns to its responses and my Maximus is pairing his inward and outward movements to it. If I pickup my breathing to match the touch of him he picks up his pace pleasing me...

Hi guys, While in today's volatile and uncertain economy here in the USA, retirement may be precarious. If you learn to live simply, even austerely, pinching every penny, you can focus on simple things in life, such as one's health and enjoying every minute. One major benefit that the Aneros has brought into my life is vibrant health. This vibrant health is encapsulated in long periods of Aless, outside of my Aneros sessions. Aless flows to my Aneros sessions which leads...

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