• Maximus came through

    Maximus and I spent some time together last night spooning. Since I use a CPAP I sleep deeply and restfully.
    This morning I could feel intimate movement within as he stirred within me moving my sphincter to caress him. What an experience my CPAP pairs my breathing patterns to its responses and my Maximus is pairing his inward and outward movements to it. If I pickup my breathing to match the touch of him he picks up his pace pleasing me more. I start to recognize the correlation and adjust my breathing to experience what he does.
    Maximus is auto***king me for the first time and he's using me as multiple lovers would do. Each has a different rhythm and a different face in my memory. Can I repeat this response? I'm sure I can my breathing machine obviously has an affect on this. Allowing him to sleep with me, spooning, a mornings usual stiffness must add to the mix, vivid dreams and fantasy of encounters must encourage him.
    I'll continue to work with Maximus to repeat this auto***king experience. Once he consistently treats me to this pleasure I'll move onto a couple of my other Aneros lovers.

    1 Comment

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      12/14/2014at9:37 am

      You almost made me want to have a CPAP machine :(
      Seriouly great! I love the interaction between breathing and prostate massage when I'm in the zone. I used to be a sleep technician so know what you're talking about.

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