Saturday night and home with the Mrs. Feeling sexual anyway and decided to insert the Helix-Syn and go to bed for the night. Love the growing feeling in me. I feel like a flower blossoming inside. I finally doze off and awoke with a blazing hard on that was very strong. The Helix had me in it's grips. Wow. Anyway a great feeling. Knowing I was not going to get lost in the strength of my sexual energy because the...

[edit - I start/do most of my sessions on my side, as it's hard to me to feel the prostate pleasure as easily on my back.] My prostate felt pretty full this morning and during the day, so figured I'd do a session this afternoon with my Helix. I spent the first 15 min warming up without the Helix with PC contractions and low ab breathing till I felt my prostate getting electric tingles and starting to feel present. Then I...

Why is it I don't want to stop my pleasuring sessions? Well work pulled me away from my session that I consider to be the best yet. I wouldn't have stopped as I really am loving my new sexual self. I have changed within and really am embracing my rewiring with Aneros. After 2 1/2 hours I decided to induce a TO massaging by the fold under the tip of my penis as I have been abstaining from touching. Well...

Giving my body a rest after my last short session of OMG is this really happening to me. I have been thinking about what I want to do with lubes. Currently I use a little Astro Glide, shoot the Aneros water base lube and Vaseline my Aneros. Reading about use of Shea Butter and Coconut Oil I have been looking at possibly trying it. I went to Whole Foods and purchased a tub of Shey Butter but did not like...

For quite a while I maintained two separate sex lives, MMO and sex with J. However, the last two weeks have witnessed a curious joining of the two. They have come together to entwine in a complex tango of sexual intimacy, sensual experience and mindful emotions. The wall between the very internally focused and intensely pleasurable sensation of MMO and its ability to turn my thoughts into molten waves of orgasmic rapture and the highly emotional intimacy of...

Whoa! Interesting night. Last evening around 8pm, had a session with the Helix with very intense rolling DO's. Took 20 min to warm up the prostate before inserted. After maybe 15 min, had a series of very intense Solid FULL ON prostate DO's that just wouldn't dissipate for I suspect 20 min. That was followed by series of strong running DO's for the remaining 15 min. Then I got up removed the Helix,...

Started with a Helix Classic several monhts ago. Masturbation pleasure immediately MUCH better than it had ever been. I strove for super o but am not sure if Ive attained it. Have spent time trying for a hands free. With the helix syn I finally had an explosive combo orgasm )not hands free at the climax(, penis, anus and maybe prostate. My left arm and leg were vibrating! This went on for a bit. I have been doing...

From work I looked at the time and decided I could make it home 45 - 60 minutes ahead of the Mrs. I let my work sit till the next day. Went to the bathroom locked up and headed home for a quick alone time. I had no time to spare if I wanted to have a visit with my Aneros friend. I washed and lubed up and decided on Helix-Syn to take a ride with. I put my phone...

I know I said best time is alone time but after being away for 6 days I did not care. I need to scratch my desire. My wife fell asleep and I lubed up enter the Helix-Syn and back to bed. So happy to be back in training. I just let the sessiono be gentle until the p-waves came and I needed to grind the p-waves as they intensified. Of course my wife stirred and got up to pee. O...

Tao: the unconditional and unknowable source and guiding principle of all reality; the process of nature by which all things change and which is to be followed for a life of harmony. The Tao is the path, the art or the skill of doing something in harmony with the core meaning of life. It is 20 years ago that I began this journey of sexual discovery; after all this time I now realize that my purpose has been to pursue the...

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