• Embracing "The Way of Aneros"

    Giving my body a rest after my last short session of OMG is this really happening to me. I have been thinking about what I want to do with lubes. Currently I use a little Astro Glide, shoot the Aneros water base lube and Vaseline my Aneros. Reading about use of Shea Butter and Coconut Oil I have been looking at possibly trying it. I went to Whole Foods and purchased a tub of Shey Butter but did not like the looks of the coconut oil. So this morning I am getting ready for work and the Mrs. was running to a quick appointment. Next thing I know I am lubing up with Shey Butter and inserting the new Helix Classic that I had yet to try. I enjoyed the quick ride and got dressed before the Mrs came back and she asked is everything all right? Yes dear I was on the phone and I am just leaving. My bottom is feeling good for the day. Tomorrow I hope to find session time while the wife is working. Embracing my training… SoFunLoving

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