Id like to share my experiences with you all and journal them here –although I’m only six months into my journey with aneros-some recent developments have convinced me there is really something to all this- and that the aneros is something like a key that opens a whole new world beyond the sexual – but more on that later. Some summary background before I begin: I have enjoyed masturbating with anal toys for many years although only encountered the Aneros six...

It has been a week since my last session. I think most of my problems are i am always sneaking around trying to find a moment when no one is home. The problem with that is in the back of my mind i am always thinking about someone coming home and finding me in bed in the middle of the day or at some other unusual time. If i hear a neighbors car door close i think its at my...

Hi guys, Today Saturday is a rarity for me in that the day is free and open for me. I decided to bow out of a class that I go to Saturday mornings at 8:30 a.m. I am trying to stave off a cold. So after a quick morning walk, I hope to have a leisurely session afterward. Right now I am fully dressed and nearly ready to go. I am wearing a woolen cap that covers my ears, an Under Armour...

Probably the main reason I came back to check in with the group is that from my earliest days I was hounded by the burning question "Can anyone who is giving Aneros a fair shake achieve the Super O?" The answer is creeping up on "No". Some of us, for whatever reasons, no matter how long we use the product, will never get there. I've always been slow to make progress - it is all dutifully recorded in this blog. ...

Last week I did all the things you are not supposed to do trying to make something happen. It included four sessions in five days, trying different positions, trying different lubes. A all out newbie quest for the big one. Needless to say nothing exciting to report, however i learned from my mistakes. It happened in my last session, I had a bad cold so i took a hot shower and wanted to lay down in bed and rest I...

Is there anybody out there that even remembers me? Say Hi if you've been around as long as I have!...

Had an interesting couple of sessions yesterday and last night. Yesterday had an hour of free time so I tried using the Helix with a condom for lube method, and it again worked great. (I just never could seem to feel the Helix inside, but when started using condom method for lube, I could finally feel it and the pwaves it caused.) Had a 1 hour session with several intense dry-Os and at least one super-o. At bedtime, I had...

According to my blog, this is the first time I've used my Aneros in two years! Thankfully it didn't take me long to get back in to the swing of things, and I don't ever recall my sessions feeling this intense. Perhaps it's my memory. I bought an MGX, which is a model I haven't used before and it seems to fit me better than the Eupho, Helix or Progasm. The handle is a little irritating though. I had a session today...

Last night I felt ready to have a session. I have been stressed and busy so I was happy to have some alone time. The Mrs dozed off and I awoken ready for a session. It is funny when I know I am ready I will awaken my self from sleep no alarm needed. My body needs it. I was thinking that the rewiring process is a journey with all of the effects of Aneros sessions are cumulative. Every session...

I decided to start a blog because I have been posting under the testimonials under born again user. A post I made years ago. you can go back and read if you want to see my history although it was not very exciting. It was not until recently (the last two weeks that I have decided to give a good effort at this) I just completed my sixth session in the two and a half week period. I was going...

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