Hi guys, The extended foreplay described in my last blog entry about the delights of my "dressed" cock and nipple diddling primed me for a most enjoyable session earlier this afternoon. I used in succession today MGX, Maximus, and Progasm Classic. I must say that my hip replacement surgery a few months ago has accentuated the erotic sensations of my Aneros models like those described above. Both Maximus and Progasm Classic affected me more directly now than they have before my...

Hi guys, We are having today a foretaste of the long DC summer. Today is the People's March against Climate Change to protest Trump administration's denial of climate change and the value of science in our society. Also today a crew has been contract by my apartment building management to clean out the "muck" in the lily pond in our central courtyard during the past year. They began late morning and will most likely finish late afternoon. They have been making a...

The Aneros progasm ice for quite some time have in my possession and I spent a lot of time to achieve a good result. But since a few months and my prostate body reacts pretty harsh on the sessions and gives me everything what I expected. My entire body responds pretty harsh in a session on progasm ice and come regularly during the sessions to a dry orgasm. Am now very satisfied and happy with my progasm ice and...

Hi guys, This morning I had my first post-op Aneros session, actually my very first session in 2017! It was a trial session which lasted an hour during which I used in succession MGX, Helix Classic, and Maximus. It was so good to connect with my Aneros tools after a three and half month hiatus! I am making a quick recovery from the right hip replacement surgery which I had on Sunday morning, January 8. I can walk unassisted pretty much in...

Currently on a family vacation for 3 weeks and had my last orgasm 10 days ago and my last ride 12 days ago. Current plan is to go another 10-12 days witholding and the anticipation keeps rising so I keep supressing it. Looking forward to a ride soon!...

Sunday morning, after five hours of edging to some porn on the web, though I wanted to edge to the brink, I still refused to accept cumming. Horny beyond belief I had given myself two orders: If I would cum, I would ruin my orgasm and I would have to swallow my cum. My refractory period only lasted half a minute, enough to already discard to submit myself to that self-humiliation, as usual due to the lack of sufficient arousal after...

Happy to have made it to my 21 day goal. Nothing magical happens at the 21 day mark, which isn't a surprise. I feel mostly the same as I did as soon as the day after I last ejaculated 3 weeks ago. These changes, expecially the last few days: - if i get aroused during the day, I'll leak pre cum, even if I am soft - wake up in the middle of the night with erections that are...

In the last week I've had somewhat successful sessions where I reach weak dry orgasms. I generally don't always reach dry-os and to me it is the thing that makes a session good. Being in a almost orgasming plateau without reaching orgasm is very frustrating to me. Yes, it is pleasure but it is not satisfying and my body wants the orgasm thing so if it takes too long I become frustrated. Seeing that my body was aroused from these sessions and that it...

. I stumbled upon a new Helix model I did not even know about. I found it at Wal-Mart of all places. The Power Force Helix. It was a bit awkward when the cashier scanned it but they didn’t seem to really react so whatever. I got it home and opened it up and I must say the size of the size of the thing is damn intimidating. I mean I got the whole thing covered in lube but I...

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