Hi guys, Today is day 21 of my SR challenge. It appears that I am approach my goal of semen retention. My BIKE CUP Supporter unit no. 85 that I am wearing underneath my sweatpants feels real good this morning. I am diddling my nipples and caressing my pecs through my Under Armour Coldgear shirt. While doing this, I am Kegeling in my athletic cup and breathing slowly and calming at the same time while saying under my breath "Oh yeah!"...

Hi guys, I woke up much earlier this morning, disturbed by recent happenings in the news in my country. It is now 4:30 a.m. in the morning. I have been working on a translation project to get my attention off the news. I have also been wearing m BIKE CUP which has a sexual signature all its own. Shortly after writing the last four sentences, I felt drowsy enough to go back to bed and slept soundly until 7 a.m. feeling...

Well, back at day 1 now. I might have just invented the 13 day challenge which I passed with flying colours! At the last moment last night I decided to use my Progasm Jr instead of the Helix that I had in mind. I find the PJ just gets to work and is quite vigorous, and I felt that was what I needed. Being in such an aroused state meant things got interesting fairly quickly and for a few moments I...

Just had my first mini o, either that or it was a really intense p wave. Laid on my back, legs up, and did a mix of do nothing and matching contractions with my breathing, relaxing while breathing in, and contracting while breathing out. I felt it, very specifically wash over me, like a wave at the beach, like it wasn't just an all over feeling that got more intense, it was the same intensity all the way through it,...

I composed this blog whilst lying in bed this morning having “endured”, if that’s the right word, two hours of joyous feelings. It seems that my body has decided to take matters into it’s own hands to relieve the pressure if I refuse to use mine. Time and again I have felt that unmistakeable feeling that signals an imminent ejaculation, without any stimulation at all from me. Flacid member, throbbing erect member, lurid fantasies conjured up...

Hi guys, Today is my 19th day of my SR challenge. I am just two days away from achieving my 21 day goal. I have decided not to have an Aneros session today, but rather to take note of what I am experiencing now as my SR challenge matures and reaches the finish line. I hope to wear my BIKE CUP Supporter unit no. 85 for most of the day. However, I may change into just briefs as I visit a church...

Hi guys, I am now in day 18 of my athletic/"chastity" cup and SR challenge this morning. I am composing this blog entry immersed in powerful, yet Aless following another amazing Aneros session which I had in the five and six o'clock hour here before sunrise. I am interacting this Aless with lots of Kegels which comes to me so naturally now! I believe that the 21 day Semen Retention Aless as you progress through it actually improves your Aneros sessions. You...

Due to a social engagement I was disappointed that I would have to forgo my scheduled Aneros session for Wednesday night. I was hoping it would help to alleviate some of the mounting horniness I have been feeling. I’ll never know whether skipping that session led to what followed later. I found myself having the following conversation with myself in the middle of the night, half wondering whether it was a dream. I stir, feeling by the urge to pee. No...

This is a repost of my first blog post - March19. I'm trying to add this to my blog since it did not take the first time Hello Aneros Bloggers. I am a divorced middle aged guy who acquired a Helix Syn about 5 weeks ago. I am certainly a newbie but am not completely devoid of previous experience with anal play. Even before I was married I had read that stimulation of the prostate could increase the intensity of a...

In my first post I said that I would not ejaculate for at least 3 weeks. Ha! That brilliant plan was nixed on Day 9 by blue balls. I had an intensely pleasurable session last night with even more and stronger p-waves than my Friday session. The pleasure would grow and then subside, over and over. After a couple of hours, I was really tired and starting to doze off, so I removed the Helix Syn and was about to go...

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