This is the initiation of my blog I would like to share exp of my prostate play here Started my journey since 4 years ago thinking back, I would say that I went from totally 'hmmm.. where is it?' to like 'OMG!' within seconds of insertion it's a huge progress where I thought it was not possible back then. Even my nipples decided to rewire itself without even trying. I started to feel some tingling sensation out of nowhere and i decided to play with...

(Nicht jugendfrei - NSFW! Deutsche Version weiter unten im Text, German version below the English text) This morning I awoke by myself around 8 o'clock. Having gone to bed around 1 a.m. I had set my alarm clock at 9 a.m., but already felt well rested. I stretched out a little and lay myself on my right side. Without any obvious reason sudden involuntaries shook my whole body. My inner gland voice told me to lay down on my back and...

Hey! It’s been a while since my last entry but rest assured I have been keeping tabs on all you guys for inspiration, thanks. I’ve still been enjoying some wonderful sessions but I have noticed some subtle changes in my responses. I am also trying to train myself not to follow the same old routine for every session which seems to be paying off. For instance, my usual position for a session has been on my back, slightly propped up with...

Hi guys, Now in the dog days of summer here in DC, I can walk about my apartment and sit naked at my PC if I so choose. Generally I do this when apartment building staff is not on duty or if there is not workmen in the building during normal work hours during the daytime Monday or Friday. However past 6 p.m. in the evening til 8 a.m. in the morning workdays and 24 hours on Saturdays and Sundays on...

Still getting Mr P woke up. Every session seems to be more active. I seem to have more activity if I inadvertently fall asleep with the helix in. Not sure if it's a time thing or relaxation or what. I tried the frozen coconut bullet last night. I will explore this more. I'm using the chapstick tube as a mold. Also got some binaural apps to try. No opinion one way or another there. I remain. ...

My aneros sessions keep being bad. I got my aneros sessions keep being bad. I got my new blood checks and again my testosterone is below what is normal for men above 60+, and I'm 31. Prolactine is also above limit and FSH is a bit below the normal level. With this it is probably not surprising that I keep having no sexual desire and I think this is one of the reasons my aneros sessions are always devoid of fun. In the past...

Hi folks, I'm just back from an hour long visit to "my secret garden". And this time I was overwhelmed how transcendental this erotic hypnosis session has become since re-wiring seems to have been completed. After an hour of bliss I'm still feeling vibes of arousal spreading throughout my body, when only typing about that experience. Shibby's seductive female voice again teasingly led me to the very center of my personal sexual wishes where I met my deepest desires materializing...

Hi guys, From day one when I had to wear an athletic supporter for 7th grade PE, jockstraps and (later athletic cups) have been central in my life as a male. Our coach we had to get one. It was an integral part of our gym uniform. So after that day, the first day of school, early in September 1963. I went to our town drugstore to purchase one. The pharmacist who waited on me sized me as a boy who...

Used last night., laying on my back. At abot 90 minutes after doing small contractions My legs started quivering and a had to arch my back, raising torso. While this was happening helix felt like it was moving and expanding on its own. Any ideas what this was?...

It's been around 2 days since my first Super O, and every ten minutes or so since, I get a shooting sensation of gasmic bliss up my bum. It shoots from my prostate to my tummy, leaves a slight sensation of butterflies, like I've just gone over a small drop in a car. it lasts nano seconds each time. Are these (A-less) P waves?...

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