I haven’t had much time to update my blog recently. But I have still been quite active and have a bit of a backlog of events I would like to share with you all. At first I wrote one big bumper edition but decided it was too lengthy. I have split it into three episodes and will post them individually. It must be almost a year now since I began this exciting venture into Aneros use. Never...

Layed down with the intent of only doing some nipple stim and giving the Aneros a break. Things got so good after 20 minutes I popped in the Progasm Black. Another mind blowing 40 minutes of heaven. Tonight I'm taking the night off, really. It's been four days in a row and I need a break. Ass and prostate are feeling just a bit tender. There's always tomorrow :-) Tomorrow I'm going out of town with the Helix Trident....

Finally hit a five minute orgasm tonight. Recorded four of it. With the buzz I still had going this morning I took a little time this afternoon and spent about 30 minutes with the Progasm. Had some nice mini-SO's and this on my back too. It was enough to keep the buzz going. Tonight, popped in the Progasm again. That long orgasm was incredible. Had many more two to three minutes but this one was longest and best. Most of the big...

It’s been a while since I posted. I have had a few sessions since my last post. I’ll call it “three” sessions, but two were on the same day. I’ve just been too busy to write about them. Session 8 was last Wednesday. It was not particularly exciting. Very relaxing, but no particularly powerful sensations. I also fell asleep. I tried some of the things I’d tried in the past and didn’t manage to...

One, my prostate is still in an excited state from yesterdays session. Never had it stay like this this long. Two, EVERY PART OF MY BODY IS SENSITIVE! Sat in church today just casually rubbing the tops of my thighs with great pleasure. Could probably rub the end of my little toe and get the same. On another note, I recorded about 3 minutes of myself getting off, moaning, gasping yesterday. Talk about something to get you going, or, am I just...

Been using these for a little over a month. Bought the Helix Trident first and the Progasm a week later. Had a great experience with the Helix from the start. Bought the Progasm because I thought bigger would be better and it is, in different ways. It's been six days since anything orgasmish, no masturbation, no sex, no Aneros. Been planning this session all week so I've read some erotica and...

So I had therapy today to talk about some of the stuff with my mom, so I was pretty chill when I got home. After therapy I went to a Starbucks and read a chapter of 12 rules for life about raising your children. It didn't quite hit on the "don't be an absolute monster to your kids" that I thought it would, but I also practiced laying out some of my feelings about my mom in the framework of...

Hi guys, Again it has been many days since I have submitted an entry to my Aneros blog. I did have an Aneros session in nine days until this morning on Columbus Day. I was distracted by various things, mostly the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation saga played out. Like many Americans I came away that contest bruised and exhausted. Fortunately late last night my horniness came alive after reading some porn and viewing sexually suggestive pics on tumblr. My cock wanted to come...

So I believe that an open blog like this, where I can talk about my progress and stories in an aneros-centric community, will help me with changing my mindset to not judge my sessions as "successful" or "unsuccessful" and to simply be mindful of what occurred. I had found myself a little over 7 days abstinent going into this weekend. On Friday, I also met a cute new guy who's going to be coming over on Monday to see me :D...

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