Hi guys, Once again I had a session with my favorite Aneros models, MGX, Maximus, and Progasm ICE this morning. This session happened after four days of excessive cold and two days of rain with snow and ice mixed in yesterday Thursday. Once again my Aneros tools penetrated deeply and even reached around my prostate and "grabbed" it. But this morning I spent quality time with each of my models. It seemed that they penetrated deeply in "liquid" fashion. I have had amazing...

First, about last night. Had an almost three hour session last night spread over four. Had a couple things to take care of in between. Had about and hour, then a thirty minute break, forty-five more minutes, then another thirty minute break, finally an hour and forty-five minutes. Started with the PS-New and things got moving quick. After the first break I tried the Progasm Black Ice but it didn't do the same for me, this time. Went back to the...

This was an evening session about 650pm to 850pm. Just not the same as I had Sunday. I think by the end of the day the energy is pretty much gone and just cannot hit those same high peaks. Now, it was by no means a BAD session but just lacked the intensity sessions earlier in the day have. Also, used extra lube this time rather than just the thin film of Vaseline. Less friction?...

My god was it something. The idea to combine aneros with hypnosis always seemed promising. As I had mentioned before, I tried some "erotic hypnosis" tracks on pornhub but they were a huge distraction (although pleasurable). I also tried some general relaxation self-hypnosis before the sessions. So I was very excited to find about the Hypnaerosession - a special 2-CD self-hypnosis recording specifically to use with Aneros (you can find them on the website and purchase as a CD or as...

(reposting to the proper place now that I finally got how this blogs work) Encouraged by http://community.aneros.com/community/forum/general-discussion/110569-learn-helpful-links-for-new-members, decided to blog my own journey, even if only for my future reference. Can't remember now how I came to knowing about Aneros let alone buying one, perhaps during one of the tumblr porn surfing sessions. Anyway, have had the Helix Syn for a while but really started to use it regularly a few months before. I am not new to anal play and even had...

Came home very tired and after a couple of beers, wasn't aroused but what the hell why not. Inserted Helix Syn, with underwear on. Didn't feel much at the beginning, started doing some light contractions and within a minute they turned into involuntaries with whole body spasms and shakes. Tried to stay relaxed as much as I could but deep breathing still interferes with the pleasure. What was particular for this session is that I started to feel very sexy...

Hi guys, I woke up early at 1 a.m. this morning. So I had to use my bathroom. I was really horny for a session so I prepared my favorite models, MGX, Maximus, and Progasm ICE for action. Then I returned to bed for some more slumber. However at 2 a.m., I decided to have a session. What was distinctive about this morning's session was that each of my Aneros models penetrated me it felt very deeply. Once again I let MGX,...

Once it gets going Progasm feels like a penis in me where a vagina would be, lower than my asshole. This session got really good. Something about this device, once the big O hits, this thing can keep bringing on wave after wave after wave of contractions for a few minutes. Maybe with its smoothness it just slides better. Just kind of falling away from myself, relaxing, and letting the tool work makes it keep on going. Started out on my...

I had my best session to date this morning and it just happened to be A-less. My wife left for work and I was getting ready to take a shower, I got undressed and decided to just lay down on the bed for a little bit and see if I could just relax and make myself feel good. I laid on my back knees up cocked flopped forward and down and just relaxed for a couple minutes, It felt good...

Hi guys, Some guys have suggested recently a nipple diddling technique on our forum. In the diddling technique what you do is place your left fingers upon your right nipple and vice versa, your right fingers upon your left nipple. Somehow this technique really revs up the effect of nipple diddling. I first used this technique upon myself when I went to bed Wednesday night. It really felt good as I wore my BIKE CUP Supporter Unit no. 85. My diddling felt...

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