Hi guys, This morning I had an Aneros session, my first since New Years Day. It lasted about an hour. I used MGX, Maximus, and Progasm ICE, perhaps my favorite models. Since New Years, we have had a stretch of cold weather, which should continue till the end of February, perhaps into much. We may have a snowy winter as well. This past weekend we did have a snowstorm that surprised by a heavy accumulation of eight to twelve inches. Fortunately...

Recently, the Aneros stroking my prostate has been so pleasurable in itself that I haven't found the need for audio files like I always do in my previous sessions. The pleasure causes the PC muscles to contract and moves the Aneros to stroke the prostate and the cycle keeps on going. The pleasure from the Aneros combined with erotic fantasies and circling around my nipples has been enough to tip me over to orgasm. This lets my body determine when it...

Hi guys, I haven't had an Aneros session for nearly three weeks now. Activities and concerns distracted me from having one during the holidays. Intense winter cold imposed itself for nearly a week now which dissuaded me from sessions. A snowstorm along with intense cold this weekend will not loosen their grip for at least a few weeks at the earliest. @goldenboy's wearing a jock and cup to bed most nights has been a real inspiration for me to do the same....

Two years ago, I bought the set of four Peridise massagers with the full intention of using them for anal health, pleasure, and prostate stimulation. In my first session back then, I used the second-smallest Peridise. Against all reason, I decided to go to town. Lots of flexing, breathing, and clenching for an hour and a half. It felt good at the time, but the next day, there were awful health repercussions - they were horrific enough that I gave...

Last night I had started with ET and switched to Max T after about an hour. Rolled on my side with knees up high when I had almost a soft thrumming in my head with an undulating blue gray canvas display in my visual cortex. This was followed by a rapid series of porno images rolling through my mind. Very strange. I was awake so this wasn’t dreaming. Lasted maybe 5 or 8 seconds. It was all very subtle...

Had not had a session in over a week until yesterday when I had some time. Not a peep out of my prostate for the whole week. Nipples even lost their sensitivity. Yesterday was a good session but nothing out of the ordinary. Well, like an ignored girlfriend, that little nudge yesterday was like throwing gas on a flame. Spent the morning having NUMEROUS Aless O's just playing with my re-awakened nipples. This got my prostate all hot and ready....

Had not had a session on over a week. New job, holidays, no alone time just kind of drained the energy out of me. So tired and busy prostate didn't even begin to whisper for attention. Had some time to myself today and got out the Progasm. Took about thirty minutes for things to start getting good. but took off from there. After a little over seventy-five minutes things began to slow down. Decided it was time to stop. Took a...

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