Been a very long time since my last entry. Some really good some really bad. I have been going through lots of stress at work for the last 2 months so my sessions have been lacking explosiveness and full body involvement for the most part but felt good none the less. It didn't matter if I was joined with Miss Helix, her best friend Miss Mgx or my boy Progasm Jr. I did take some solace in feeling Jr snuggled up...

Seems I've moved from just having SO's to having stacked SO's. The SO hits and if followed almost immediately by another SO of somewhat lower intensity. I've had five or six stacked like this. Once this passes it isn't long before another big SO hits. This stacking doesn't happen all the time with every SO but it's getting more frequent. Nice! *...

I just had an a-less session I never imagined was possible. Woke up this morning to breakfast. Put on some nipple suckers I bought and had them on for thirty minutes or so. I REALLY like these things. They make my nipples SO sensitive. There's some pain involved using them but it's a good pain! Finally, it was time to get ready to head off for work. My nipples were unusually sensitive and I was playing with them on the drive to work. Actually...

The last few weeks I have been having a fairly consistent schedule of sessions. One day out of the weekend I have an Aless/Aneros session. Its typically 4-6 hours of pure orgasmic pleasure. Every 2 weeks I would couple that with a traditional ejaculation. Typically every other day I go to Crossfit. I looked at this mornings workout and did not feel up to it. So I stayed home and decided lets have a mid week session. I decided to...

The last few weeks I have been having a fairly consistent schedule of sessions. One day out of the weekend I have an Aless/Aneros session. Its typically 4-6 hours of pure orgasmic pleasure. Every 2 weeks I would couple that with a traditional ejaculation. Typically every other day I go to Crossfit. I looked at this mornings workout and did not feel up to it. So I stayed home and decided lets have a mid week session. I decided to...

i not sure whether the constant reliance on my wife manual prostate massage has conditioned my prostate to be more aware of her finger instead of my helix. My last 2 helix session were pretty much.. boring. no super-o like what i used to have. A few mini-o and i am done. My revisit to peridise is another different story. While peridise started less interesting in the beginning, i could have a few superO from it in a single session. Not...

Rumel’s Ruminations – Part V Over the years I have visited and read many information resources which have helped me understand the complex variables associated with prostate orgasms and health, I thought here would be a good place to list some of those resources for the benefit of my fellow Anerosians. In no particular order you might find these worth reading and/or viewing. Prostate Massage in general : Prostate 101: The Ins and Outs of Prostate Play! narrated by Forrest Andrews of Aneros. Prostate...

For a whole multitude of reasons I hadn't used my aneros toys for almost 4 years. However, a little while ago I finally delved in to the depths of my wardrobe and freed them from their boxes. I prepped myself, had a shower and turned up the heating so I was nice and cosy. In front of me were my helix, eupho and progasm. I opted for the helix since it's been a while, and got myself nice and relaxed...

Things keep getting better. Tired of posting this repeatedly but, it's the truth. This was my first session in almost a week. Wife had to be out of the house this morning at 0800. Knowing morning sessions are better for me I took advantage of the opportunity and had some solo fun. Well, this was a session to beat all the others. Amazing where I'm at with SO intensity. I've learned to manipulate the Progasm to a small and highly sensitive...

1st hour relaxation only to thunderstorm sounds of nature. 2nd hour HypnAerosession CD1. Found during the last few minutes of the CD that my contractions seem to be providing a little more intensity of the same type sensations I had been feeling before. I also felt them more frequent. I Observed that when contracting, that it makes quite a bit of difference the rate of contraction. If I contract quickly, any sensations are minimal intensity and very short lived. ...

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