OK, so I admit I had several sessions today which led up to this one. I had about 1/2 this morning and about 2 hours this afternoon. The one in the afternoon was interspersed with napping. I had many orgasms (20ish). I was sitting here just now and got curious about how long it would take me to reach an orgasm. I looked at the clock: 8:55, start looking at some porn 8:56, mini-o's start 8:56-9:00, constant mini-o's 9:00, a very intense dry-o, lasted about...

Hello People, This is a duplicate of what I posted in the pegging thread (post #62) here. http://www.aneros.com/forum/f5/pegging-12910/ But I wanted it documented in my blog for easy referencing. And also in case the pegging thread ever disappears because it is too old. -------------------------------- Hello Folks, So just recently I started experimenting with using and practicing with my Feeldoe More again after a long hiatus. And I am happy to say that so far, I have had two very pleasurable sessions with it, and I'm no...

Was a bit rushed, so lost that peace & certainty that something would happen. Some near misses though. Conclusion I came to: don't expect anything other thtn a dry O. Other expectations (i.e. a wet finish) are doomed to fail....

I have just had a strange 30 or just over minutes. I was sitting on the bed watching a DVD. Nothing remotely sexy, just a film. I felt a desire to play with my nipples. Sitting up while playing delivered the best sensation. I could feel a pressure build up just above where my neck and skull meet. It got quite intense. I can still feel it now. If I lay back on the bed the pressure went away but the nipple sensation remained. I could not stop. This...

Yesterday was an amazing day. I started in the morning with a half asleep session. I had another short one in the afternoon that yielded some very nice orgasms. Late in the evening, I decided to spend a couple of hours. When I started, my body reacted almost immediately (I was looking at some porn). For the most part, it was a typical but very intense session with many orgasms accompanied by PC and fluttering anal contractions. As usual, there...

I went to bed a little early last night and I managed to get myself into a nice floating bliss state. I remember that it felt awesome but some of the details are fuzzy. Unlike other times when I've had a session before bed, it left me relaxed and at some point I fell asleep. I think I was slipping in and out of sleep while in this state so I lost track of when the floating bliss and sleep...

Holy shit! I've never felt anything like this before. I just spent 20 minutes having the orgasm of my life. It was a combination of fluttering anal spasms (see my recent thread) and PC contractions. It just went on and on and on. I'm not exaggerating...

It has been a strange couple of months since my last update I was away on my travels recently. Nearly 2 months passed without a session. When I did get to try again it seemed as if I was back at the start, nothing at all. Same result for the next couple of attempts. It seemed all knowledge was lost. Finally some sensations returned. The following helped Playing side 2 of Hypanerosession. I have always felt that the P tab on the MGX was agressive. I folded up a hankie and...

So yesterday I had some very amazing developments. I was kind of rushed and not entirely relaxed as it had been a busy day and was also under time constraints with my Aneros session. So I wasn't terribly optimistic of my session having much going on. So I started with my standard arousal builder no-Aneros session sitting in front of my computer looking at porn while rubbing my nipples. And it took a while longer than usual to build strong...

So yesterday I had quite an Aneros session. And what's worth talking about here without repeating myself, is that as I practiced the imaginary prostate rubbing that I mentioned in my previous blog entry. What I found is that just by noticing the sensations, they would increase in strength. I think it was one of Darwin's posts from a while back that talked about this. Well by golly it worked! Wow I had some pretty intense and pleasurable sensations. Although...

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