• I just had a 20 minute orgasm!

    Holy shit! I've never felt anything like this before. I just spent 20 minutes having the orgasm of my life. It was a combination of fluttering anal spasms (see my recent thread) and PC contractions. It just went on and on and on. I'm not exaggerating…20 minutes of intense pleasure. I stopped because I needed a break. I'm going to relax for a bit and try for another one.


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      09/08/2010at12:18 pm

      Yeehaa! 😀

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      09/08/2010at3:59 pm

      Went to bed soon after posting this. Once I started to relax, intense waves of pleasure started. This often happens to me when I relax after a session. I enjoyed these for about 1/2 hour expecting them to subside. They did decrease in intensity but didn't stop. I decided to masturbate. Once I started stroking myself, the fluttering spasms started up and I had a string of dry orgasms. I edged for about 20 minutes or so. It was the most awesome feeling. It was the most connected my penis has felt to my prostate. It was like I was bypassing the traditional stimulation path even though I was stroking myself. It wasn't a complete bypass though; I still felt a building urge to ejaculate. But, it was definitely different than in the past (even the recent past). Anwyays, I ended with the most amazing ejaculatory orgasm I can remember. It exploded from my groin and expanded into my entire body. I laid there for several minutes not wanting to move. I only slept about 3 hours after this :-).
      This morning, I had a short anerosless session that included an extended orgasm very similar to last night's. It wasn't as intense or long, but it was still really good. I masturbated again to a super-t.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      09/14/2010at3:09 pm

      I have had a 15-minute O and hesitated to say anything about it thinking that everyone would think that I was making the whole thing up. Now that I have read that you had one that lasted 20 minutes, I feel the freedom to say that I know EXACTLY what you are talking about……..sweet agony.

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